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October 17, 2012
Wednesday 6:07 PM

"Tendo, is something wrong? You seem distracted." Coach Saito asked as he pulled the middle blocker off to the side.

"Oh, sorry." Tendo apologized. Practice had just ended, and Tendo was not performing his best.

"No it's okay, I was just checking in." Coach Saito explained.

"I'm okay." Tendo reassured.

"Alright, if anything, I'm here and so are your teammates." Coach Saito reminded.

"Okay, thank you." Tendo exclaimed, before leaving to the locker rooms. He quickly took a shower and changed out of his sweaty clothes.

Tendo's body felt so heavy as he walked back to his dorm, and he knew it wasn't just physical fatigue effecting him.

Last week, Ushijima had told him that he asked (Y/N) to come to the preliminaries and she agreed.

This is good.

At least that's what he was trying to get himself to believe. He couldn't help the feeling of dread that grew stronger everyday.

Entering his dorm room, he startled both Ushijima and Semi. Semi was on his bed, with a textbook, while Ushijima was at his desk, holding a notebook.

"What did Coach talk to you about?" Semi asked.

"Satori." Ushijima greeted as Tendo just dropped his duffel bag on the ground.

"Woah, you okay?" Semi asked, sitting up, noticing Tendo's expression.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired." Tendo muttered, climbing up into his bed and burring his face into his pillow.

"Are you sure?" Semi continued.

"Yes." Tendo repeated, but it just came out muffled.

"Okay, then, uh, Ushijima has my notes so you can get it from him." Semi explained as he packed up his things. Tendo heard the bed frame creak and felt a strong squeeze on his shoulder before the door to his dorm room closed.

Silence filled the room as neither volleyball player spoke a word. Tendo eventually flipped over onto his back, as to not suffocate himself.

"(Y/N) isn't interested in me." Ushijima suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence between the two.


"What? How do you know?" Tendo asked.

"I asked her." Ushijima replied nonchalantly.


"What! When?" Tendo sputtered out, sitting up quickly.

"Monday." Ushijima replied, Tendo stayed silent, confusion taking over his mind.

Then who does she like?

October 20, 2012
Saturday 10:49 AM

(Y/N) pushed her food around on her tray. It was the weekend, so majority of the students went back home.

She stabbed her scrambled eggs.

Satori thinks I like Ushijima?

(Y/N) was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she didn't even notice the footsteps getting louder and louder.

"(Y/N)~" a voice exclaimed. Quickly looking up, she made eye contact with Tendo who had a small smile on his face.

"Satori." (Y/N) greeted, as he sat down next to her.

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