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October 9, 2012
Tuesday 1:41 PM

"Its time for the relay race! All participants please line up!"

Ushijima lined up along with everyone else, beginning to stretch. The teacher began giving everyone a run through of the all the obstacles. The student council had went all out this year, letting students put in suggestions for obstacles in the race.

Ushijima was lined up at the last stretch of the race, where the baton would be past to him and he'd have to run and draw a "special mission" from a box at the desk where the announcers were sitting.

Missions ranged from getting a certain teacher to getting the whistle from the coach. After you completed the mission, you'd return to your position and race to the finish line.

His class decided putting Ushijima at the end would be the best. If any of them messed up in the beginning, having the fastest person at the end would be more beneficial. Ushijima stared at the rest of the course behind him.

There were tires and hurdles they'd have to get across. He was glad that they placed him at the end. He was already tired from the other race.

"Let's get some applause for our competitors!"

Cheers erupted from the tents, and shouts of random names all combined into gibberish. Ushijima scanned the crowd, and his eyes landed on his best friend. Tendo who had a wide grin on his face as he held up a poster with Ushijima's name on it and hearts drawn everywhere.

"Go, Ushiwaka!" He yelled, earning an affirming nod from Ushijima. Of course he was going to win, he wasn't nervous at all.

"Alright, take it away coach Saito."

"Thank you. Alright! Get ready, set...go!" the sound of whistle set of the first wave of runners along with the crowd. A trail of dust was left behind the first wave as they all sprinted towards the first obstacle.

Hula hoops, each person had to hula hoop 20 times before passing their baton to the next person. Everyone watched as they abruptly stopped and picked up the hula hoops. This slowed down some teams.

The second wave ran towards the hurdles, many of them getting knocked over like dominos. The teachers just gestured them to keep running even if the hurdles got knocked over. It didn't really matter.

Ushijima observed as his classmate got over the hurdles, almost dropping the baton as it was passed to the next person.

I wonder what mission I'll get.

The participants next to him, were fiddling around, anxiously waiting for their turn. But Ushijima just stood there.

"Wow, he should be in a museum or something." Tendo exclaimed, nudging Semi. They were both watching their captain.

"It's scary how calm he always is." Semi shuddered, remembering that he was even nervous for the three-legged race.

"Oh, its almost his turn!" Tendo excitedly pointed out. Ushijima watched as Yamagata ran towards him, baton out. As the baton landed in Ushijima's hand, he began running towards the announcer's table, just slightly behind other participants.

The last wave grabbed various pieces of paper, some looking frantically around, others sprinting off. Ushijima approached the table and quickly grabbed a piece of paper, reading it. Without thinking twice, he began running towards the tents.

The crowd looked around, the cheering getting louder as the last wave was scattered around the field.

"Where is he running?" Semi asked, standing up to get a better view," Oh my god, he's running to me-" the setters was dragged out of the tent. He could hear Tendo laughing at him.

"Follow me." Ushijima said, making Semi nod his head. But Ushijima didn't run, Semi stared at his captain who was scanning the crowd.


Semi couldn't even react when Ushijima just picked up (Y/N). Then Ushijima began booking towards the finish line, making Semi chase after him.

Semi could barely keep up with his captain, he glanced around at the other competitors who were right on their tail.

Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god-

The setter cursed in his head as he was in a full on sprint. Meanwhile, in front of him Ushijima was carrying (Y/N), who was barely comprehending what was going on. One minute she was just standing there, the next her feet were off the ground and she was in Ushijima's arms.

The loud whistle snapped her out of her thoughts, and she quickly notice that they had crossed the finish line. Loud yelling erupted from the crowd, and Ushijima was still jogging at a slow pace.

"I-are you going to put me down?" (Y/N) asked, making Ushijima nod his head. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief when her feet touched the ground.

"What, what the hell...was your mission?" Semi asked, breathing heavily as he caught up to them.

"Bring the winners of the three-legged race." He explained.

"You couldn't ask me to run?" (Y/N) pointed out.

"You wouldn't run fast enough."

October 9, 2012
Tuesday 4:02 PM

"Wow, Ushiwaka." Tendo exclaimed as Ushijima returned to him with two medals around his neck. Sports day was over and the awards ceremony had just finished. To no ones surprise, Ushijima's class had won the ice cream prize.

"Thank you." Ushijima simply replied.

"I take credit for one of his medals." Semi said as he walked over to the pair, a medal swinging from his neck. Following behind Semi was (Y/N), who also had a medal around her neck.

"Me too." (Y/N) agreed, remembering how she was taken without any warning," I guess we won 2 medals today, Eita." She exclaimed.

"Yes, I couldn't have won without you two." Ushijima explained, completely serious. He literally couldn't have won without them.

Tendo stayed silent as the three of his friends chatted. His eyes switched from Ushijima back to (Y/N).

Today went great.

A pit formed in his stomach.

It was great.


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