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billie wanted to go to a pool party that her friends invited her to, so of course she asked y/n to come with her. y/n responded with a yes obviously, she didn't want her woman in a revealing bathing suit without her. y/n huffed getting up walking over to her dresser, pulling open one of the drawers looking for something to wear.

"when are you gonna be ready?" billie said impatiently, as she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for y/n to get dressed. she was already dressed, in a pink bikini, with some small white shorts on until they got to the party. "tryna find something to wear, just wait we aren't gonna be late." y/n said scouting through her clothes.

she finally just decided on some black shorts, and a white tank top. billie was hoping she'd wear a bikini top, but realistically she knew that wasn't what y/n liked to wear. y/n went into the bathroom and changed into her clothes, putting on some gold jewelry, and tying up her hair.

she walked out of the bathroom slipping on her slides, and walked over to billie. billie stood up wrapping her arms around y/n's neck. y/n's hands traced over her waist, scanning her body. imagining how her body looks with out the small bathing suit covering her most important parts. obviously y/n didn't mind that billie showed skin, it was her body after all, she just didn't like when people would flirt with her, especially when she had on what she's wearing now.

"let's gooo." billie said spinning away from y/n's stare that made her cheeks light up. y/n walked up behind her bending her over, and pulling billie's hips back against her making billie giggle. "are you seriously fake fucking me right before we leave?" she said turning to face y/n, who had a huge grin on her face. y/n nodded walking ahead of her, and out of the door.

carrying the small tote bag billie packed, with extra clothes for them to put on after, a few snacks, their wallets, and other things they needed. y/n opened the car door for billie, shutting it when she was sure billie was comfortable. she put the bag in the back seat and jogged to her side of the car, getting in and starting the car.

"such a gentle-lady." billie said laughing, making y/n roll her eyes. her right hand rested on billie's thigh, while her left hand directed the steering wheel. "whatever, you're lucky you aren't wearing a damn diving suit." billie laughed even harder, her cheeks turning red.

they soon arrived at the party, the loud music being able to be heard from the parking lot. y/n took a deep breath preparing for the bullshit that was going to go down tonight, she knew she would have to deal with billie and her antics, the people of the party, and other shit.

they got out of the car walking toward the party, billie was happy and excited, finally getting out of the house. billie walked up to her friends hugging and greeting people, most of them already knew of and about y/n and the ones that didn't she simply introduced herself and slipped away. she didn't want to deal with all the questions but she ended up walking back over to billie missing the warmth of her body.

her arms snake around billie's waist, resting her chin on top of her head. she swayed them back and forth as billie continued the conversation with her friends, y/n grew bored and walked away into the kitchen. she grabbed herself a drink and then thought of billie, making her way back into the kitchen she saw a girl staring at her making her uncomfortable.

the girl walked over to her smiling wide, introducing herself y/n decided to be polite and speak back. the girl continued to talk y/n's head off, the drink was getting to her so only faint sounds of the girls voice rung through her ears. she wasn't paying attention to anything the girl was saying, but when she heard the girl ask for her number her skin crawled, and she felt her body heat up at the uncomfortable situation.

"um nah i have a-" "hi baby, everything okay?" billie said walking in between them looking at the girl and then back up at y/n. y/n smiled tilting her head to the side, softly grabbing billie's chin. "you could tell her that you're mine, you can do that, right?" billie nodded turning to the girl, but the girl threw her hands
up in defense walking away.

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