~Chapter 10~

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I got up hesitantly and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and had some dark circles under my eyes. Then I looked at the sink. The knife was still in there. I took it and started cutting. A few minutes pass before I wrap it and continue getting dressed. I fold the futon, putting it back in the closet. I met Koda outside of my room and we repeated what we had done the previous day. Except Kirishima met me at the entrance.

~You want to wait here for Shoji? I saw him a while back.~ Koda looked surprised.

~Sure.~ I walked ahead.

"Hey..." Kirishima approached me.

"What?" I walked past him. He walked next to me.

"I wanted to talk about yesterday."

"Like how you guys tried to kidnap me? Oh, I forgive you."

"No. Well, yeah. Kaminari told us that he saw some bandages on your arm."

"And you decided to kidnap me instead of approaching me about it. Real manly." I scoffed. "And I let you hold me in your arms. I thought that you'd be on my side."

"I am but we are just worried."

"I can take care of myself perfectly fine." I storm off to the classroom and slam myself into the chair, putting my head down on my desk. I just sat there and no one approached me. It wasn't until I heard the door slam open that I took precautions. I put a bubble around me.

"Y/N!!" I heard a yell. But it was muffled. Bakugo started banging on the bubble, trying to break it. Some students pulled him back and restrained him. I was in the bubble for a while, covering my ears, until I got a text.

Koda <3: Teacher is here. 

I look up and Aizawa is standing in front of me.

Me: Thanks, Koda.

I disabled my quirk.

"Hi, Mr. Aizawa."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Ok then. Pay attention." The rest of the lessons went smoothly. I went to the library instead of the roof and read by the ceiling in my bubble. The bell rang and the rest of the classes went by the same. Slowly. But I was focused and on task, for once. After school was over, Koda and I began walking home. Once we got there, the day went by as usual. But I worked the counter. There was this... woman. Distressed. She was coming from the room."

"How can I help you ma'am?"

"There are bugs in my room! This is outrageous."

"I apologize ma'am. Can you show me your room so I can confirm this?"

"Whatever. I better get a refund." I followed her to her room. The door was wide open. 

"May I see where you found the bug?" She went to the front door and pointed to a fly. I look at her.

"Ma'am, has your door been open all day?"

"Yes but what does that have to do with it?" I sigh.

"If you leave your door open and don't use the bug-repellent screen that we provide for you," I point to the curtain. "Then bugs will most likely enter"

"This was never said beforehand. Get me someone who knows what they are talking about."

"Ma'am if you would just please-" She activated her quirk and trapped me in thorns. They came up from the floorboards, breaking the floor and scratching me.

"You listen to me. Get me someone else if your dumbass brain can't handle one simple task. And lose some weight. These vines are snapping from it.." She threw me out the door onto the wood.

"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am. I'll go get the manager." I walked off, holding my arm. It still had a few thorns stuck in my skin. I walked to the kitchen where Koda's mom is. "Mrs. Koda?" She looked at me. I was bleeding practically everywhere.

"Oh my. What happened?" 

"The woman in 2B is complaining about a fly flying into her room after leaving the door open. I informed her about the curtain and bug spray you provide but she wanted to see you. So I tried to say something and she died me up in vines with thorns. Then she threw me on the ground."

"That is not ok."

"I'm fine. It barely hurts." It stung so badly. She had those things coated in some kind of poison.

"It doesn't matter. She used violence against a staff member. Why don't you go to your room and get cleaned up sweetheart?"

"Ok." I walked away to my room. Once I got inside and closed the door, I began bawling. I thought about what she said. I know she doesn't matter but still. I went to my bathroom and grabbed my knife. I cut and cut and cut and cut. I couldn't stop. Eventually, I snap out of it. The floor and I were covered in blood. The cuts were deep. I didn't care. I dropped the knife and just looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't feel like i was in my body. It didn't look like me. I decided to shower to wash some of the blood away. I showered slowly, not really all there. It was like I was trapped in my head. I got out and I heard a knocking. I wrapped the towel around me, put on some bandages, and approached the door. I cracked it open and I saw Koda standing there. I tried hiding my arms.

"Are- are you ok?" He looked down and saw me in the towel,. He blushed and looked away.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just really tired."

"Ok... Well my mom wanted me to come tell you that she is gone. She kicked her out." I smiled a little.

"Serves her right."

"Y/N, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Ok. Dinner will be ready soon. I will come get you when it is ready."

"Ok." I hummed. He looked concerned but he didn't press. I shut the door and walked to the dresser. grabbing clothes to get dressed. I did but everything felt... off. I couldn't think, let alone stand straight. I tried going to the door and I just fell. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't move anything. This was probably the work of the woman who trapped me in thorns. I did say it felt weird. A knock was heard again. I tried to speak but my mouth didn't open. my vocal cords were frozen. They knocked again. I just lay there, crying. I want to be ok. They left. I coldn't see the time but it felt like days were passing. Eventually, I cried myself to sleep.

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