~Chapter 31~

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I woke up on a couch. But it wasn't my couch. It was leather, cold. It was dark in the room so I couldn't see anything but my arm hurt like hell. 

"Good morning." My heart basically stopped. "You've slept for a while."

"I feel so much better now. So who are you, where am I, and can I go home 'cause I don't like talking." I had a lot of annoyance in my voice.

"No. I'm sorry." The light turned on and it was some guy with white hair. He had a pretty nice build. I looked like I was in a traditional Japanese home.

"You haven't answered me. Who are you?"

"Todoroki Natsuo." My heart sank. 

"Let me out."

"No, Y/N." Todoroki entered. (I know they are both Todoroki.) Natsuo left and shut the door.

"Please, let me leave."

"Aizawa is on his way. Along with Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugo."

"You can't let them see me."

"I have to." I tried standing up but I immediately fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"What did you do?"

"We had to give you something for hydration via IV."

"You gave me that?"


"Wow." I just scoffed. But then I realized I had hydration. I started to make a big bubble and it filled the room. I went inside the bubble and kept expanding it. Eventually, the roof broke and the bubble floated into the air. I saw Bakugo flying through the air, toward me.

"DON'T FUCKING RUN, Y/N!" He was shouting at me with such anger. I popped one side of the bubble, making the air rush out. Bakugo could no longer keep up so he fell. But soon, a flying man came toward me.

"You Y/N?" It was Hawks, the pro hero. Feathers poked the bubble and I went flying to the ground. And if I did survive the fall, I wouldn't be able to walk anyway. My legs were still numb. I fell and something grabbed me. I screamed for a second before I was pulled in. It was Han's tape. He caught me and just held me.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I was scared." He set me down on the floor and kneeled beside me.

"We would've helped you."

"I don't want help. I don't NEED help."

"You do, Y/N." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body from behind me. It was Denks. "Let us help. Please." I just started crying.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Because you don't want to be alone." Kirishima and Bakugo appeared.

"That was a dumbass stunt you pulled." I just sniffled.

"Back away from her." It was Mr. Aizawa. He captured me with the scarf. "You should know that running only makes things worse."

"I know." He walked me to a police car and I was escorted back to UA. I was held in the nurse's office. Hero's guarded me. Morning came and I was visited by everyone in the class except for Denki, Kiri, Han, and Katsu. They all basically said that they were glad I was back. When they left to go to class, I was alone once again for a few hours. Then my boys entered one by one. They all crowded my bed.

"So, you were hiding at home, huh?" Katsu spoke. I just nodded. "God Y/N, why can't you just open up to us?! We are here for you. Trust us!" He started yelling.

"Bakubro, shush. She doesn't like being yelled at." Kiri sighed. "Sorry. Do you have any idea how worried we were?"


"Why didn't you tell us Y/N?"

"I was scared." Denks took my hand.

"Please, trust us." He had teary eyes.

"I don't know if I can trust anyone."

"You don't have a choice, shorty." Bakugo chimed in. 

"We will be there for you. We promise." Han spoke up.

"Thanks..." I hung my head low. Kiri put his hands on my cheeks and made me look at him.

"We will help you through this." I just smiled. The infirmary door slid open. Aizawa and the principal were standing there. 

"Please head to class. We would like to have a word with Miss Y/N." Nezu said. They all said their goodbyes and shut the door behind them.

"Hello." I bowed my head.

"How are you today, Y/N?"

"Not so bad. How are you?"

"Oh I am quite alright. Now, on the subject of attending this school, we have a few questions determining if we can let you stay." My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Ok." I was reluctant to answer.

"Shinso came to us and told us something. I assume you already know what it is."


"And is it true?"

"Yes." I said quietly, trying to not remember the events of that night.

"Do you remember who it was?" I nodded. "Ok. One second. Aizawa, call the art teacher in there." Aizawa nodded and picked up his phone, walking outside.

"I will need you to tell me why you were out that night when she comes in. But besides that, where have you been staying?"

"In my old house."

"Have you had access to fresh food?"

"We had some boxes of snacks."

"How much have you eaten?"


"Ok then. How much water have you had these past few days?"

" Enough to keep me alive I guess. Not very much."

"And one more thing. What can we do as heroes to help you through this?" I thought for a second.

"I'd have to let you know in the moment. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. That was all I needed." I breathed a sigh of relief. Aizawa came back in.

"She will be here soon. Would you like the boys back here for the story?"

"Yes please." They had to know the story. A few minutes later, a knock was heard on the door. Aizawa walked up to it.

"Brace yourself Y/N. Just breathe." Nezu said. I took a deep breath.

Let the festivities begin. 

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