~Chapter 30~

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"What's wrong?" He asked. 

-No no no. Don't answer.-

"I am sad."


-Fucking hell. Get me out.-

"Because I am depressed."

"Is that the only reason?"


-Stop talking STOP TALKING-

"What else?"

"I was rap- OW!" Something bit me. I picked up my hand. There was a spider on it and its teeth were sunk into my hand. I slapped it quickly and got up. I hate bugs. (No you won't be spider woman.)

"Wanna finish that?" Shinso looked serious. I just shook my head. He sighed. "II already know what you are going to say."

"No. Shinso. Please, don't tell anyone."

"I'm sorry Y/N." He left. I started panicking. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag from Denks' room. Denks was in the shower and the others left. I ran out of the dorms and to my parent's house. I took the spare key and went inside. I locked the door and closed all of the curtains. I turned the location off on my phone. I took a deep breath. I walked through the house. It was a mess. I went to my room and lay in my bed. Then I went to my dad's room. I went through his closet and raided his clothes. I changed into one of his flannels and his sweats. I went back to my room and then to my bathroom. One of my blades was on the sink. I used it. Again and again. I didn't eat. I didn't drink. I just let the blood dry and I went to my room. I couldn't sleep. I didn't want anything to happen. I just lay in bed, once again, overthinking. Hours go by and hunger begins to creep up on me. I didn't feel like eating. I lay in bed for more hours, watching day turn to night. I finally get on my phone. Messages came rolling in from everyone in the class. I immediately went to my settings and turned off my read recipients so people don't know that I can see their texts. I checked them all, asking where I was or if I was coming back. Some were asking me if I was ok. And some updated me on the feelings of some. I went to Kiri's messages and he left a few voice messages.

Shark Boy

Sharky Boy Voice Message: "Hey, just wondering where you are. You didn't show up to class."

Sharky Boy Voice Message: "We are starting to get worried. Where are you?"

Sharky Boy Voice Message: "Y/N, please answer."

Sharky Boy Voice Message: "We know your phone is alive. The messages are being delivered. Answer please."

Sharky Boy Voice Message: "One last time. Please. Come back." 

And that was it. Then Denks sent me a bunch of pictures of sad kittens. Han just updated me on homework with a single "Where are you?" text. And Bakugo called me about 30 times. And there were a few texts from everyone else. But I ignored them. I went about some daily things a little. I cleaned my room. Barely. I grabbed a bunch of my dad's clothes and just bundled up in those. I found his cologne and sprayed it everywhere. I went online and bought more, yet kept the original bottle. Days go by and barely anything is done. I am wearing the same clothes, showered twice since I had gotten there, and have given myself at least 50 fresh cuts every day in different places. My phone gets texts and calls every day. Even All Might has tried to contact me. But I don't respond to anything. Trust me, I love them, but I just make it worse since they just worry about me. I run out of food after a while since I stopped eating a lot. I stopped sleeping. I lost 10 pounds. You can see my ribcage. I hardly have the strength and water to create a tiny bubble. Then a knock.

*knock knock knock*

I shot up from my bed, getting dizzy from the lack of water. I looked at the clock. Who is knocking on my door at 9:30 at night? I walked to the door, quietly.

*knock knock knock*

Once again. I approached the door and looked out the peephole. There were two men.

*knock... knock*

Slower this time. I backed away until I realized the gas was seeping through the door. It made me extra dizzy. I fell to the floor in a matter of seconds as they opened it.



Hey guys!

I know I died for like ever

A lot has happened

I started my senior year of high school

So that's fun

I will try to post more but idk

Also the next one will be longer, i promise

Oki byeeeeee

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