Chapter 11

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"You're a pretty good driver," Colby noted making me chuckle slightly offended.

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically.

"No-" Colby laughed. "I just mean you drive stick and I thought you might be shy because you haven't driven around here," he commented but I looked at him confused.

"Stick?" I asked wondering what the hell he was talking about. Colby chuckled for a second.

"Erm, like- You change the gears," He tried explaining making me laugh.

"Oh, manual?" I asked so he nodded in reply. He is always making me laugh. He looked kind of awkward, it's cute. "Well in Britain if you drive an automatic car, people assume you don't know how to drive, but shy?" I questioned with a chuckle. "Did you forget how we met?" I asked making him laugh. He smiled for a second presumably thinking of last night, his smile growing wider the more he thought.

Sam's car pulled up, and Colby and I shared a happy smile before we approached the car. We greeted everyone as they climbed out. Kat was just laughing and telling me a story as we entered Applebees. I laughed along with her but got a fright when something lightly touched my fingers. I quickly looked thinking I had accidentally walked into someone but saw Colby. He had stepped out of the way of someone and stepped closer to me. As soon as he noticed me looking at him he smiled warmly. I smiled back pleasantly surprised. Kat and I continued talking as we reached our table. I approached the first seat and sat down so I was beside Kat. We chuckled slightly between laughs making us happy. I feel like Kat and I will become best friends.

We turned our attention to the menus, conversation was flowing around the table. I noticed someone beside me leaning in, I turned slightly to face them and smiled as soon as I realised it was Colby.

"Any idea what you're getting?" he asked, the restaurant isn't loud, so there was no need for him to lean in. I smiled.

"I have no idea what to get," I chuckled making him laugh.

"Order anything it's not like you'd complain about it," Sam joked referring back to our first conversation making me laugh as I nodded.

"That's true," I commented with a smile. I looked the menu over again. I bit my lip as I thought. I smirked when Colby leaned in again.

"You look-" Colby started but was interrupted. I was half tempted to scream to shut everyone up just so I could hear what he had to say.

"Are you ready to order?" a waiter asked as he approached our table, everyone shared a nod. We seemed to order in an anti-clockwise manner. I smiled at the waiter as he looked at me expectantly.

"I'll just have a coke and the chicken alfredo please," I stated and looked to Colby to see what he was ordering.

"I'll get-" Colby started but stopped when the waiter talked over him.

"Sorry," he interrupted. I looked at him wondering if they didn't have my order but he smiled at me. "Where are you from?" he asked and I was a little taken aback.

"England," I replied a little confused. He chuckled slightly.

"Wow, what's it like?" he asked and I looked around feeling a little awkward. He hadn't talked to anyone but me. He was simply nodding for everyone else.

"Ah, cold and wet," I blurted but he laughed like it was hilarious. I looked around the table puzzled but most people looked just as awkward, Sam looked annoyed, and Devyn looked like she was ready to fight him.

"Maybe you could take me some time," he smirked, I hid my scoff in my chuckle. Is he seriously flirting right now?!

"Maybe you could take everyone's order," I suggested, his smile faltered for a second as everyone at the table snickered.

"Oh," he laughed. "The famous British sense of humour," he chuckled with a smile, he seemed to just stare at me for a second and I felt awkward under his gaze. I diverted my eyes to look at Kat as she smirked to stop her laughter. "What can I get you?" The waiter asked Colby. I looked at him for the first time since he was interrupted, he looked annoyed.

"Same," he simply stated, his annoyance shining through his tone. He must hate it when people interrupt him. I continued to look at Colby even as the waiter was taking others' orders, Colby stared at the guy, jaw clenched. He sighed finally looking away before he noticed me looking at him and looked at me, as soon as his eyes met mine he smiled, with no evidence left that he was angry moments ago.

"Okay," the waiter announced grabbing everyone's attention. I looked up to see him already looking at me with a smile. I smiled back politely and he chuckle baring his teeth. He wasn't the ugliest guy in the restaurant but he was nothing compared to Colby. He had black hair and a sharp jawline but no part of me thought he was attractive. Before I met Colby I probably would be interested but I guess once you've had a look at heaven nothing else seems to compare to it. He must have taken my study of him as a sign of attraction as he licked his lips with a smirk. I winced internally. I glanced at Kat confused as she continued to smirk to stop herself from laughing. "I'll be right back with your drinks," he explained, he smiled at me again before leaving. I looked at Kat my discomfort written across my face, she burst out laughing. Everyone joined her except Colby. There seemed to be an awkward silence before Kat smiled at me.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" she asked, I was a little confused but shrugged.

"Devyn, do you want to come?" I asked as I rose from my seat. Devyn smiled as she followed us.

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