Chapter 27

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WORDS: 1056

Kat was sitting on the couch smiling wider than the Cheshire cat, I chuckled as I smiled back.

She got up and followed us as Colby walked us to the kitchen where Jake and Sam stood around talking.

"Colby has a girlfriend?" Jake asked a little loudly as we walked in, he clearly hadn't seen us. Colby stopped in his tracks, the whole room went silent as Jake and Sam noticed us. Kat stopped beside us and everyone just seemed to freeze. I laughed abruptly as everyone looked like a deer in headlights.

"I'd hope not, she might kill me if she sees this," I joked breaking some of the tension. Everyone chuckled but looked uncomfortable. I chuckled as I shook my head, playfully rolling my eyes. "We're going to go paint," I explained before turning my head to Colby slightly. "You want to get changed?" I asked, he nodded looking straight ahead. A little confused but mainly embarrassed. "Okay, I'll mop up our mess while you get changed," I added.

"Danni, your shirt is see-through," Kat warned making me smile as I looked at her.

"Thank you," I chuckled as I looked down at my white tank top that clearly showed my tan bralette. I should have realised my shirt was seethrough because Colby was almost wearing the same outfit as me this morning and his shirt is transparent, which I will never complain about.

"You can borrow one of my shirts," Colby added a little awkwardly before heading out of the kitchen. I chuckled as I rested my chin on Colby's shoulder again and wrapped my arms around him a little tighter. "Sorry about Jake, he's a bit clueless," Colby chuckled nervously as he started taking us up the stairs. I scoffed.

"You don't have to apologise. It's not the first time someone thought we were a couple today," I shrugged and Colby nodded as if he realised my point. I smiled knowing he wasn't as tense as I felt his shoulders relax a little against me. "You know, it's going to take a lot to scare me off," I joked, he chuckled as he nodded.

"I can tell, you're the chillest person I know," He explained making me laugh. "Well, except when someone pissed you off, then you're scary," He went on in a joking tone. I gasped acting offended.

"You think I'm scary?" I asked as we made our way into his room. He used his foot to kick the door closed behind us. He walked into the middle of the room before dropping my legs down so I could climb off of him. Not that I wanted to.

"If you were mad at me, I'd lock myself in a room till you calmed down," He explained, I laughed as he headed to his wardrobe and pulled out a shirt for me. He turned to face me, reaching the shirt out to me with a smile.

"Thanks," I grabbed the shirt but watched as he bit his lip and eyes studied my breasts slightly. I smirked.

"Sorry," He quickly turned his head to look away from me, I laughed as I shook my head. "You really have to stop apologising." I chuckled as I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head.

"I just want to be respe-" He turned his head back to look at me, not noticing I had taken my shirt off. As soon as he noticed he turned his whole body around, not finishing his sentence. I laughed as I placed my wet shirt aside.

"Colby," I said with a smile. He hummed a yeah, I rolled my eyes. "Have you never seen a woman shirtless before? If I cared about you seeing I would have gone to the bathroom," I chuckled. He seemed to take a deep breath as if he was realising he was being stupid. He turned back around to face me, he tried so hard to keep a straight face and only look me in the eyes. I chuckled as I watched him struggle. He shook his head, trying not to smirk as he struggled to maintain eye contact. He crossed his arms, looking up at the ceiling for a moment as he laughed before looking me in the eyes again. I smirked before bouncing on the spot, feeling my boobs bounce, his eyes instantly caught the motion. He acted as if he had been shot, he flailed around slightly before covering his face with his hands. I laughed before putting his shirt on.

"You're such a tease," He pushed a deep breath out as he shook his head at me. I chuckled with a smirk.

"You love it really," I continued smirking as I winked at him. His breath seemed to catch in his throat. He nodded with a smile. "I'm going to go mop up the trail we left downstairs, Do you want me to mop where you're standing or is it just in your boxers?" I joked as I made my way to the door. He laughed.

"You don't want to wait till I get changed, I feel like it's only fair," He smirked wanting me to watch him change. I smirked at the thought but I knew if I watched him get changed I wouldn't be able to speak for at least a week or I would do something I may later regret. I may be in love with him and know he likes me back but we've known each other a day, I might find something out that makes me hate him. He might be a terrible kisser, he might sleep with socks on, he might be a serial killer or really sexist. Not sure which of those options is worse.

"Babe, your shirt is as seethrough as mine. Why do you think I have to mop the floor downstairs?" I asked jokingly. He burst out laughing, I chuckled as I made my way out of the room and downstairs. I approached the living room where Sam, Kat and Jake were having a whispered conversation but quickly gathered that Jake wasn't good at whispering. Sam and Kat must have been explaining what was happening to Jake because he had a lot of questions about whether we were dating or not. I chuckled as I walked in. 

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