Chapter 12

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We got to the bathroom and since I didn't need to go I sat on the counter with all the sinks on, Kat and Devyn stood around me and I realised they wanted to gossip not use the bathroom. I laughed as they smiled at me.

"What?" I asked with a chuckle but they laughed.

"You know, what," Devyn cheered making me laugh.

"The waiter repulses me if that's what you're thinking," I explained making them laugh. Devyn sat on the counter beside me.

"You're not interested in dating?" Kat asked with a not-so-well-hidden smile. I laughed knowing instantly what this interrogation was about... Colby.

"I'm interested in dating just not the waiter," I specified with a smile. The girls giggled. "Look, I don't like guys that interrupt my time with friends to flirt with me never mind interrupting someone when they're talking, it's just rude," I explained but the girls smirked. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"So..." Kat paused making me laugh nervously. Here comes the big question. I winced slightly as she smirked. "Colby," she said suggestively. I tried hiding my laugh behind a smirk making the girls giddy.

"Ah, you like him!" Devyn exclaimed excitedly, they both squealed while I laughed.

"No, look. I met him yesterday," I argued but they giggled away like little school girls.

"You jumped in a pool to meet him," Kat chuckled.

"That's why you jumped in the pool?" Devyn asked with a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with them.

"I jumped into the pool because he got knocked in because of me and he was embarrassed. Don't think I didn't notice you fixing his hair when I arrived." I added making Kat laugh knowing I had caught her.

"Well then it's no secret that he likes you," Devyn blurted making Kat gasp. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"Devyn!" Kat exclaimed making me laugh even harder. "You're not supposed to say it," Kat seemed so offended. I turned away for a second to try and stop my laughter. They ended up arguing a little before Kat sighed loudly shutting them both up. I chuckled at the entertainment.

"I already knew it's not a big deal," I shrugged, my cheeks hurting as I smiled.

"How?" Kat asked like I was the great Sherlock Holmes and cracked the case, it made me laugh.

"Well, as Devyn said, it's no secret," I shrugged but Kat and Devyn looked at me expectantly. I chuckled before taking a deep breath. "It's not rocket science," I shrugged but the girls still waited for me to explain. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "He's flirty, he was glued to my side at the party once we started talking, the way he looks at me, how he wants to be around me, his trying to mirror my outfit, his nervousness before we started talking and then he asked me to continue drinking after the party and asked to kiss me," I finished but the girls practically screamed. I was shocked and confused as they danced on the spot and continued squealing. They were being so loud I wouldn't be surprised if someone came in to check if we were okay. "What?" I asked hoping they would explain and stop squealing.

"You kissed?!" Kat asked in a shout but I gasped.

"No, no. We didn't kiss," I explained quickly but they suddenly stopped to look at me confused, their shoulders seemed to slump with disappointment.

"What?" Devyn said breathlessly.

"Colby and I didn't kiss," I repeated but they still looked confused.

"But he asked you?" Devyn asked so I chuckled with a smile as I nodded. "You didn't want to kiss him?" Kat asked but I smirked.

"Well, I didn't say that," I shrugged as I jumped off the counter and headed to the door. The girls squealed again making me laugh.

"Come on, you have to tell us if you like him," Kat pleaded, making me laugh.

"I'll let you know as soon as I do," I laughed before leading the way back to the table. The truth is I do know. I know that I am falling for Colby and I am falling hard and fast. The girls were giggling and whispering as we walked but went to smirking when we returned.

An Angel Moved Next Door- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now