•Chapter 2•

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Strong language

My eyes start to flutter open due to the sunlight hitting my face I then turn around to see Bill laying next to me I smile to myself "he's cute" wait what? What was I saying"ugh let me forget about that and go to the kitchen I guess" I then sigh and went to the kitchen.

I then walk to the kitchen and decide to make myself food as I was preparing my meal I hear someone's foot steps I roll my eyes to see the site of Tom "Guten Morgen leibe",I then roll my eyes"good morning to you too arschloch" as I was fighting with Tom I get a notification it was a message but from who? I then checked to see it was a message from the modeling agency I tried out for the message read,
                             USA modeling agency.co
Hello there Y/N L/N you have been accepted into the USA modeling agency program we will love to meet you in Los Angeles tomorrow at 12:00 PM, sincerely Analia Reyes manager of USA modeling agency.co.

I then screamed out of joy not giving a fuck about the other members asleep not giving a fuck if I blew Toms eardrums I got accepted and that's all I could wrap around my head I was happy I'm able to pursue something I'm passionate about.

I then wake up to hearing someone scream it sounded like Y/N shit. What happened I then run from the RV room to the kitchen I then see her holding her phone covering her mouth I was confused and so was Tom "Y/n what happened?" Y/N then showed me her phone I then read the message I was very happy for her I gave her a hug and I decided to make a move and kiss her in the cheek yes maybe we just meet but she is pretty she does deserve the role of a model her looks are pretty but I hope her personality isn't bitchy, after I hugged her I looked at her and her cheeks where hot I then giggled at the sight "lord she looks pretty when she's flustered" I then look up to see Tom a bit mad but whatever.

As Bill hugs Y/N and gives her a kiss in the cheek I grew jealous I don't really like her she's just pretty and I feel like having a one night stand with her but it looks like she's the play hard type of girl and if bill reaches to her first I won't be able to play with her damn it.

After bill stepped away I congratulated her and gave her a hug after that I made food for bill and me after all he is my brother and I'll be happy if he is even if it requires me disagreeing.
"Hey guys Gustav and Georg are out running errands they will probably come in 30" both Y/N and Bill both nod at my sentence since they where having a conversation boring. I then decided to go out on a walk when I saw this female she was really pretty I decided to go up to her "hallo pretty lady what's your name",
"Uh first of all who are you and my name is Mari"
"Mari pretty name want to come with me to my car my friends are there", "sure i guess hopefully your not a kidnapper".

3rd person POV•
While Bill and Y/N where having a deep conversation about life they get interrupted by Tom and a unfamiliar girl Y/N then looked at the girl and thought "damn she's pretty" Y/N then stole her from Tom and then they started introducing themselves, Tom and Bill started at each other with the look of "what the fuck did our girls just leave us or something".

Turns out Y/N and Mari had a lot in common they immediately became bestfriends by the time they where still talking gustav and Georg had came from there errands Y/N begged the managers for Mari to come since she made a friend after what seems years have passed of begging they let Mari stay.

The band still had a couple more hours until arriving to Los Ángeles which that destination was perfect since her modeling career started there turns out Mark got accepted too you guys where now Model Buddies.

Ugh today was tiring being in that car thing is tiring but it was funner since I had Mari.

We then arrive at the hotel and turns out me and Bill share a room which was fine with me since I've gotten comfortable around him it was night time and both me and Bill have unpacked I then changed in my pajamas and laid in bed but what made it more awkward was that I had to share a bed with bill and he slept shirtless I didn't mind sharing I just feel weird about the idea of him without a shirt we both then laid in bed I turned to him which his chest was in front of mines and decide to hug him we then ended up cuddling and then  we fell asleep the next morning the position we where in was unexpected...

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