Strong language•Y/NS POV•
As I exited the gate I then see someone it was bill his mouth hung open at the sight of seeing me I then smile at him even though I didn't know what terms we where on he then comes up to me and hugs me he then starts tearing up "oh hi bill" he then said hi back but his head was in the crook of my neck and his voice was muffled I then pull away and take his face in my hand and wipe his tears away "oh meine Leibe I missed you I regret everything please forgive me I'm sorry I'm so sorry" when he was saying that his voice started crawling due to him wanted to cry more seeing the sight of that I pulled him into a deep hug I then asked him "if your here where's the rest of the band?" He then looks at me and said "I told them your coming tomorrow because I want to make up everything today just me and you" I the smiled and agreed yea maybe he left me called me useless and all the above but he seemed genuine so I accepted.•BILLS POV•
I was so happy Y/N accepted it made me happy we then go get her bags and go into the car I then told her she needed to cover up because she's well known here in the US and we couldn't let any photographer take pictures of her she's supposed to arrive tomorrow we then went to a near by fast food place and ordered food after that we went to my hotel room I sneaked her in so the band didn't see her we then made it successfully
Me and Y/N then started laughing really hard damn I missed her laugh so much she then looked at me and kissed me on the cheek I then giggle and hug her tightly and she hugs back I then kissed her neck I could feel the goosebumps rising on her skin I then smirk to myself.I was happy to see her in the first half of the year me and Clarissa dated but I hated every minute of it all she wanted was sexual relationship yes maybe I'm a freak myself but she wanted it 24/7 I didn't like doing it with her I didn't like her in general I think I only liked her because I was confused of my feelings with Y/N but either way Clarissa won't be able to know she's here. I made food once and I didn't know Clarissa has food allergies and turns out I have her something with Shrimp and she had an allergy attack and she's in a coma right now hopefully she wakes up I don't want to be pressed with charges but I don't think I could get in jail besides that.
I miss Y/N her touch everything her voice he presence in general made me happy she's an amazing girl no wonder Mari is best friends with her no wonder the whole band loved her mostly Georg and Gustav they where both sad and mad at me I understood gustav and Georg for Georg Y/N was a sister to him and gustav was more angrier at me since it was his sister. Tom was mad at me since I never told him about Clarissa and never introduced her he was even more pissed since Mari was sad that her best friend was gone and she had to be with Clarissa there was no day where those two would fight one time it go so physical Clarissa ended up in the hospital. Besides that I was sad and depressed the whole time Y/N was gone I didn't feel that sparkle with Clarissa that I normally felt with Y/N but I'm going to forget about that since I have her in front of me.•Y/NS POV•
"Uh bill can you please let go your kinda choking me here" he then laughs and moves away I missed bill a lot Mari told me everything that happened he was genuinely missing me and I missed him more when I was in Paris I realized that that I was in love with bill and I was deeply in love and I still am even when I was in Paris a person part of the modeling company asked me and we dated I pretended it was bill in order to feel something but I accidentally called that man bills name and shit I don't remember what his name is but I can't say nothing to bill about me liking him I just got here and bill obviously changed he was nicer and sweeter but we have to re-know each other and that might take months so I want to take it slowly.•MARI'S POV•
I'm so happy tomorrow Y/N is coming I'm so excited I told the band I wanted to decorate for her and I didn't mention bill anything I didn't know how she would react or how Bill would react so me and the band decorated my hotel room for her when she comes
Tomorrow...-Lmao little does Mari know you are already in the US-

•Meine Liebe•| Bill Kaulitz x Reader</3|
FanfictionHello this is a fanfic of Bill not many people write him and I'm in love wit dis emo (also ik u spelt love wrong in the story js ignore it)