•Chapter 20•

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A/N:Damn bro Tysm for getting me to 1.8k reads I really didn't expect to get readers like deadass i js made this for fun I never expected a viewer rate I love u guys all much</3

Strong language
Mentions of suicide
Mentions of drug use
Bills POV
After I told Y/N everything i saw her cry I've never seen her cry before but she got up and ran to the bathroom really quickly leaving me no time to run after here I then hear the bathroom door slam i wanted to go after her but I didn't after a while I get worried and go to the door and knock ,,Y/N?" I then got no response i then get a notification from my phone it was Y/N she posted something on her story I then check and see it was a goodbye post...

No this can't be she didn't I then start shouting ,,stay with me Y/N don't go just yet" i the kick the door and made a hole in it it was big enough for me too open the door I then dashed and saw Y/N on the floor she looked lifeless i immediately dialed the ambulance to come as i was waiting I picked her limp and fragile body i then started crying into the crook of her neck ,,i dont want to lose you please don't go I still love you" i knew it was probably to late but I still love this girl and I need her with me.

I then hear the ambulance i quickly and gently pick her up and take her to the ambulance they then placed her in a bed I was worried for her they then asked me a question ,,Young man who are you to her?" I then replied saying I was her boyfriend they then let me onto the ambulance i holded her hand on the way they then started questioning me i didn't know anything this was too sudden I couldn't comprehend from so much worrying I didn't even notice we arrived at the hospital.

,,Sir I know your worried but I need you to wait in the waiting room we need to see what's wrong with her"
My heart shattered hearing that but I knew I had to leave her I then went to the bathroom and wiped my eyes they where red and puffy i wash my face to see if it make me feel a bit better I was scared but I phone Gustav

Bill:Gustav come to the hospital
Gustav: why what happened
Bill:It's Y/N I don't what happened but please

Gustav the hung up I imagine he's on his way I then told the others and they where all on there way.
3rd person POV
After a while Gustav, Georg, Tom and Mari arrive.
Bill then showed them Y/N's story they all then start breaking down mostly Mari and Gustav, a tear slipped from Georg and Toms eye they tried having courage but they knew deep down it hurt a lot. Gustav then realized what might of happened while chocking through tears gustav spoke up ,,guys I think I know what might've happened" everyone then turned to Gustav and gave him a look of "Talk you have no choice" Gustav then told them that when they would go away Y/N went to partys and always took drugs for the fun since they made her forget about things.

Tom then looked at gustav ,,so your telling us Y/N used to be a drug addict?" Gustav then nods in disappointment he was sad Y/N had been clean for
A year but they guessed she went back to old habits.

They where to blind to see the signs she wasn't ok she started getting high everyday ever since the bill incident, Y/N would always hide a flask and when everyone was asleep she would drink out of it and get drunk she thought it would ease the pain but for her that wasn't enough that's when she started going back to her old ways there wasn't a night that she wasn't drugged.
Bills POV
I never knew Y/N used to be addicted to drugs but she said she told me everything before but why not this? Ugh this whole thing made my head hurt so much but I need to stay awake I then went onto the couch that was in the waiting room Mari was asleep her hand on her bump and Tom hugging her it was so cute I wonder if Y/N will ever forgive me and if she does maybe we can look like that but I doubt it I love Y/N so much I hope nothings wrong at the moment after a while I fall asleep on the couch I was then in Toms arms on one side was Mari and on the other was me we then saw a nurse walk into the room ,,Y/N Schäfers family?" We then all got up Gustav and I ran to the nurse the nurse then spoke up saying.

,,Y/N she's..."
Y'all bbgs cliffhanger cs yes also imma be inactive for a couple weeks cs school starts next week so pls pray for me I don't wanna go🧍🏽‍♀️

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