A/N:Tysm for getting me to 200 reads this warms my heart sm🫶🏽 also sorry if I've been inconsistent on publishing chapters I've js been finding it hard to balance two diff books😭 Warnings: Strong language
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•Y/NS POV• Since it was 12 Mari and I decided to walk to bills room but before going we decided to go gather gustav and Georg after getting the boys we walked to the room and I decided to open the room and shout happy birthday I felt bad for the other people around the room but this was a special matter I than ran up to Tom and hugged him "wow so your going to go hug my brother and not your man's?" I then laugh and roll my eyes playfully "well sorry to break it but this hoe is the father of my niece" bill then put his hand on his chest and acted hurt "ok you hoe stop being dramatic" I then walk over to bill and hug him while planting a kiss on his lips "happy 16 birthday liebe" he then smiles and hugs me tighter "oh how I love this man" I then pull away from the hug and go to Mari "wait omg Mari your three months now!!!" We both then smile happily but then I felt someone push me out the way and it was Tom I then say "uh you bitch can't you see I'm having a moment with my sister" in a sassy tone he then gives me finger and says "uh first of all I'm the dad and if you want a baby go have sex with bill and get pregnant yourself" after Tom said that bill was a bright red since everyone was in the room I decided to pull a bold move even though I was scared since my brothers where in the room but I decided to risk it "well if you want that to happen I'll guess I'll give bill a extra birthday present" I then try walking over to bill but then got stopped by Georg and Gustav. Georg then spoke up saying "you guys are not doing it" I then heard gustav saying he agreed I the roll my eyes "bro I was joking damn" after a while we all decided to go to our rooms everyone was dead asleep except me and Mari we just stayed up until 4 AM talking about random things.
*time skip to morning!* I woke up really tired since it was 6 AM it took me a while to wake Mari up since we where going to the local store to buy the twins a cake while Mari was taking her time to get out of beds I went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of sweats and one of bills jackets because they where comfy duh I then walk into the room and see Mari in one of toms shirt and she was wearing pajama pants I then laugh and said "I guess where both matching by wearing one piece of clothing of the twins" she then laughs to we then make our way to the local corner store and buy them a small cake since we where on tour and we would go to the last location for tour the location wasn't far away we where in Orlando Florida and we needed to go to Miami we then find a cake and buy it we then enter the tour bus and place the cake inside the mini refrigerator Mari then went to her room with Tom and I went with bill since it was 7 and we needed to pack to go to Miami since we would be departing at 8 AM it didn't take me long since all my clothe where in my suitcase since I came to visit from Paris I never told bill I was leaving the following two weeks and that made me feel guilty but I have to break the news to him but just not today. Everyone then got on the tour bus and we where half way there it was now 10 AM and we where at a resting area me and Mari then get the birthday cake out and decided to sing them happy birthday after doing all that I took a photo of Tom and bill holding the cake
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On the photo I wrote "Tom and bill bday 16!" I then proceeded to put the date and year "this will be a great memory in the future" after the picture they cut the cake in pieces we then ate and decided to continue the journey to Miami.
"Uh Y/N I don't feel good" I then look at Mari and it hit me she was going to throw up I have a fear of people throwing up I immediately told Tom they then stop on the side of the road and the band helped Mari but me and bill stayed behind since I was worried for her I knew it was normal but I was just worried after 30 minutes they came back in "Mari are you ok you took a long time I'm sorry I couldn't help" mari then replied saying she was ok and I didn't have to worry that I wasn't there since she knew the fear I had after a couple more hours we arrived at Miami and we rented a hotel and got ready for the show it was now time for the show to start...