•Chapter 22•

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[huge ass time skip when Y/N got better and was able to go home😋]

As i walked into the Kaulitz home i felt a calming sensation the smell was nice it was a mix of lavender with vanilla I also smelt something cooking it was __ i then went to the kitchen and greeted Simone ,,oh my daughter how are you feeling?" ,,I'm alright ma I'm just a bit tired" she then gave me a soft smile and went back to cooking.

Me and Simone where always close since I met her I would call her ma and she would see me and Mari as the daughters she never had.

,,Ma you need any help with the cooking" ,,no no don't trouble Y/N you need rest after what happened" i then frown since I'm not able to help her but I'll help her with something small, i then got up and fixed the table for dinner. ,,thank you Y/N but you didn't have to" ,,No ma this is the least I could do".

After that I went upstairs to toms room where Mari was ,,hm yo wassup Y/N come on sit on the bed with us" i then nod and sit on the bed with Tom and Mari even if they where friends my age they where like parents to me they always treated me as family and as their daughter? But at the same time no.

Toms POV
Me and Mari where talking until we heard Y/N come into the room it then told her to sit with us ,,so Y/N can we talk about something important but don't worry this is between you Mari and me" ,,oh don't forget the baby" i then saw Y/N point at Mari's stomach. Us three all laugh at Y/N being immature.

,,ok ok so go on Tom what do you wanna talk about?" I then took a breath in ,,are you going to forgive bill?" She then looked a bit shocked at my sudden questioning ,,i uh um i don't know yet he owned up to his mistakes but time we'll tell you feel me" i the nod in a understanding manner.

After a while we got called down for dinner i saw Bill next to our mom.

Maris POV
I saw bill sit next to Simone i cleared my throat in a way of telling tom to sit next to Bill so Y/N didn't have to I didn't want my girl to be uncomfortable.

We all then started eating after 15 minutes bill left he didn't finish his food he left half of it there but of course he saved it for later he came up with the excuse "i get full easily" i know that's a damn lie because if he had the option to eat the whole McDonalds Menu he would.

I then sigh after a couple minutes all of us finished eating ,,babe I'm going to my room to change so we can drop off mom" i then nod, Simone then went to her room and changed since she was going out for a business trip.

I washed the dishes and Y/N cleaned the kitchen I don't know how this girl has so much energy after being discharged but whatever as long as she's happy I'm ok. ,,Y/N/N where going to do the gender reveal once Simone comes back" Y/N then hummed in response.

3rd person POV
After cleaning Y/N went to the living room and decided to put a movie on while she was choosing she texted her mom it's been a while since her and her mom had talked her mom never knew much about her since Y/N's mom barely got in touch with her and if her life depended talking to her father she would've died.

Y/N was calmly watching the movie she decided to watch a romance movie she then heard footsteps and the lights turned on it was her key to know that Simone was going away she then got up and hugged her ,,bye mami" Y/N the waved at Mari, Tom and Simone.

The three of them left which just left me and Bill alone for a couple hours i had no where to sleep but the couch, mid movie i heard a room door open it was bills I then sigh I turned my head and saw him with sweatpants shirtless without make up and his hair in it's natural state ,,no fuck Y/N your mad at him no don't" but how was I supposed to be mad at this man??

Shit he's coming my direction uh oh ,,uh Y/N can we talk" ,,mm sure ok" bill then grabbed my hand and took me to his room but why though we where just going to talk?

,,Y/N i want to make up everything for you but there's one way I want do it" he then gave me the look of "are you thinking what I'm thinking" i then hesitate but our faces where inches apart and the best got to us and we smashed our lips together.

He then licked my bottom lip and I playfully denied he then kissed me harder and I gasped that's when he took his chance and stuck his tongue in my mouth we both then started fighting for dominance with our tongues we then pull away for air.


After a couple seconds we smash our lips together again our tongues dancing with each other bill then bit my bottom lip I then whimpered at his action. He then grabbed me a threw me gently onto the bed he then started kissing my neck.

Bill then started kissing all my neck and sucked lightly I whimpered once bill got to my sweet spot I bit my lip and closed my eyes to enjoy he then moved away i then opened my eyes in confusion and sit up ,,no babe I'm not done lay back down" he then took my shirt and bra off he then stared at me i swear there where hearts in his eyes i could tell he wanted this.

I then see him bend towards me and he started sucking onto my collarbone and started moving down to my boobs he started placing hickeys left and right there's no way I could cover these but whatever.

Bill then made a trace of hickeys  in between my boobs down to my stomach and my abdomen since my pajama pants where falling he then went up and started sucking and biting my nipple and played with the other one I then moaned and whined at the feeling of his tongue on my nipples he then looked up at me.

,,can I?" I then nod really quickly I'm craving him at this moment ,,damn Mami desperate for me huh" i then roll my eyes ,,please bill i need you" then laughed and took my pants and underwear off ,,damn bae wet for me huh" i then cover my face in embarrassment.

,,don't cover that pretty face of yours I want to see it when I eat you out" when he said that I got shivers down my spine I then gasp and bill sudden movement as he started eating me out it felt good and he knew how to do the job I then bit my lip so no noise would come out.

I was doing well until he shoved his tongue in I then moaned his name I'm guessing that turned him on since his pace got faster I was so close to my climax ,,bill I'm going to" ,,don't until I say so" i then whined since I was reaching my high and be shut me off i then saw him take his pants and boxers off.

He then got on top of me and aligned his dick to my pussy he then shoved himself in I screamed his name when he went in (Schrei so laut du kannst get it) Bill then started quickening his pace the faster he went the louder I moaned out his name ,,bill can I please" ,,yea babe let's release at the same time ok?" I then nod and waited for bills instructions ,3, ,2, ,1, we both then released and I felt bills hot liquids in me my legs where shaky I was about to get up but then I got stopped by him.

,,turn around ass up you know" i the turned around and got on my knees and elbows i then took a deep breathe waiting for bill he then shoved him self in me i then moaned into the pillow my legs where shaking like crazy I've never felt so pleasured like this.

Bills pace then started getting sloppy that's when it hit me that he was close after more sloppier bounces he came.

Bill then carried me bridal style and got in the shower with me and helped me shower since I was soar he then gave me a pair of clothe and we both laid in bed and i dug my head on his chest and he held me by my waist and after a while we fell asleep.


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