•Chapter 5•

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Strong language

•Y/NS POV•I woke up next to bill and his arms where wrapped around my waist engulfing me in to a tight hug while still being asleep I then rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat after a while I spaced out and started thinking "damn ...

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I woke up next to bill and his arms where wrapped around my waist engulfing me in to a tight hug while still being asleep I then rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat after a while I spaced out and started thinking "damn it Y/N you where supposed to play bill but now look at you laying in his arms and he claimed you as his last night I now have his marks on my neck his scent is on my skin what a way to play my game huh"  after a while of overthinking about you guys having a obscene-sexual night you then had an idea "hmm what if I try my best to get with Alan even though he would only date me for looks I guess I'll play both and see who I like more".

Ugh the sun was on my face waking me up from my deep slumber I then pull Y/N closer to me then she already was I then put my face in the crook of her neck I could feel her short but sweet? Breathes on my shoulder damn she drives me but I have to contain myself maybe we did do it yesterday but maybe she just did it for fun should I regret it I mean after all I am her fake boyfriend so that night meant nothing??
It makes me worry even more since I saw the message some Alansito dude sent her maybe she's only using me fuck why do I care she's just a regular girl that's siblings with Gustav I shouldn't care I can be like Tom and see her as a one night stand just like he does yea that's the solution!
But what's weird is that he hasn't been sleeping with other woman since he met Mari I think he's in lover with her I should ask him. I then move away from Y/N and turns out she fell asleep i then quickly brushed my teeth and brushed my hair I put some deodorant and some cologne after that I walk to Toms room I didn't bother knocking since it's 1 PM and after all I have a key card to his room "OH TO-" I then stop to say my following sentence just to see him making out on the bed with Mari "OH OOPSIE UH BYE?" I then closed the door as quickly as possible I then hear tom shout  "NEXT TIME KNOCK DUMBASS" I'll take that in note in the future I was bored so o decided to leave the hotel and walk to the nearest store I then see this girl who looks around my age  she was struggling to pay for a drink at a vending machine I then clear my throat and say "um excuse me can I help you with that" I then point at it "no no don't worry I'll just leave without a drink " , "No I insist don't worry it's on me" I the smile at her and quickly put cash and in the vending machine she then got her drink and thanked me "hey wait what's your name?" She then stopped and looked at me"I'm Clarissa you?" I then give her my name and we give each other our numbers.
Yea maybe Y/N is pretty but her personality is a little off and Clarissa she isn't exactly pretty but by the looks of her personality she seems kind and a genuine person something Y/N is not.

I wake up to not see bill seems like he left huh? I then text Alan knowing I shouldn't I texted him if he wants to hang out and he accepts crazy because of what happened yesterday but I don't care.
I walked out the hotel and meet up with Alan at the nearest park "so Y/N sorry about yesterday your really pretty it just made me upset that you had a boyfriend and I'm sorry" I then hush him and open my mouth "Alan listen if you like me let's get together but this is between us after all we are young so why wait in the future to get to know each other" he then looks up at me in shock he then agrees "Met me at xxx-BLVD tonight ok" he then nods and and we went our separate ways as I was walking to the hotel I see bill and another girl she had blue-black hair with really pale skin and colorful bright blue eyes she looked goth she matched bill they where having a conversation both of them smiling and laughing more then he does with me "Y/N what the hell why are you feeling bad after all you are meeting up with Alan tonight and you can't cancel on him after all of you you'll be alone since the band is performing today"after being in my trail of thoughts bill starts walking with the girl to the hotel his arm was around her wait why the fuck did it make me jealous I shouldn't be I the sprint to the hotel room and lay on the couch that was in there and started flipping through the channels that was until I heard the door unlock and I heard laughter I then turned off the tv and hid in the nearest closet.

As I walk with bill we enter his hotel room he told me shared it with one of the band's members sister he said they where just friends I didn't mind bill is fine and cute and he is kind and after what he told me about  that Y/N girl she sounds like a total bitch! I don't like her I'll do anything to get rid of her so I can stay with bill to comfort him I then tell bill that if we would hang out later he then told me he had a performance but he could take me backstage he said that Y/N girl texted him she was going to be out for the whole night well that's good she'll be gone and I'll stay with bill she doesn't deserve him at all I do why me because I'm better I'm prettier than her to there's just one problem my ex-best friend Mari is with them ugh I don't like her she stoped being friends with me because I was too "attention seeking and toxic" but I don't care.

•3rd person pov•
Time skip to night!
Bill and the band with Clarissa where at the concert and Y/N was on her way to the club with Alan.
Alan and Y/N made it to the club and then they started drinking and having fun Alan then noticed that Y/N was wasted and decided to take her to the hotel .
Y/N then enters the room with a tequila bottle in her hand drinking from it and I'm the other hand she had a blunt she was really wasted she then saw bill and the girl on the bed making out.

I then walk into the room I was dizzy but I then saw that bitch with bill
"OH BITCH  YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP" yes maybe I was wasted as hell but that didn't stop me from beating that bitch up my ass pounced on her and she then left with a bloody nose bill then ran after her and I didn't care all I felt was like crying but I didn't I took in a puff and drank a bit of the tequila because he was not going to see me cry I will just thug it out
"Why'd you do that Y/N?".

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