Chapter 1: Ticking Clocks and Blown Out Amps

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Hill Valley, California
Friday October 25th 1985

It was a beautiful sunny morning of the town of Hill Valley and at the Mcfly household, 17 year old Marty Mcfly woke up as soon he heard his alarm clock which was blaring Huey Lewis and the News which was his favourite band, he got up out of bed wearing nothing but a red t-shirt and purple Calvin Klein underwear, he then put a white check shirt over his red shirt, blue jeans with suspended, and a denim jacket, he then put on some Nike Bruins sneakers, and grabbed his Walkman, headphones and his skateboard before he left however he went across the hall to wake up his younger brother 13 year old Chris

Psst, Chris wake up whispered Marty

Marty, come on, five more minutes said Chris groggily

Alright I guess I'll go see Doc by myself said Marty

Alright, I'm up, I'm up said Chris as he got out bed wearing pyjamas pants and a white T-shirt

I'll wait for you said Marty as he exited the room

Chris then changed his clothes, now sporting blue jeans, a David Bowie t-shirt with a red flannel shirt over it, Converse sneakers, and a black denim jacket, he then grabbed his own Walkman and headphones (which were a hand me down from his older sister Linda) and headed out with his brother to their friend Doc Brown's, Marty rode his skateboard and Chris peddled on his bike to their friend Doc Brown's house, Dr Emmett L. Brown (or Doc) was a scientist living in a garage with his pet dog Einstein, many people in Hill Valley mostly adults and teenagers considered him to be a mad scientist, but to Marty and Chris he was the coolest person they'd ever met, they first met in the summer of 1982 after Marty tried to "borrow" something from Doc's lab he offered to help him with his experiments and they then became friends.

After arriving at Doc's house which was actually a garage in a parking lot next to a Burger King, Doc had told him that his house burned down in the early 60's and to this day he didn't know what caused the fire, luckily most of his possessions survived and he moved into his garage and has been living there ever since, as they entered Doc's house using a spare they heard the sounds of ticking clocks as they entered his home, Doc's home was adorned with ticking clocks which they assumed were part of some experiment and various inventions, such as an automatic dog feeder to feed Einstein and a machine that helps make his breakfast, an a giant amplifier which Doc had originally bought for parts, however Marty wanted to test it out before he took it apart

Hey Doc Marty called out "Doc!, Hello anybody home"

Einstein, here boy said Chris as he whistled for Einstein

Marty and Chris then looked around to see if Doc was home, Chris then smelled the rancid scent of canned dog and looked down to see Einstein's dog bowl which smelled terrible it's a wonder how the lovable dog could eat something that smells so bad

Oh God, that's stinks said Chris disgustedly

Oh Jesus that's disgusting what the hell is it with him? muttered Marty

as Marty put down his skateboard it rolled until it stopped to the foot of Doc's bed and underneath it was a mysterious yellow box which said "Handle with Care" meanwhile Marty turned on the amplifier and turned the volume all the way up, he then plugged in his guitar, put on some sunglasses and looked over at his brother with a cool smirk on his face

Alright Chris watch me blow the lid off this joint said Marty as he held up his guitar pick which gave off a quick glimmer

Marty then struck an A chord on his guitar which then sent him flying into a shelf with various papers and stuff which fell on top of Marty

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