Chapter 16: George Saves Lorraine

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Saturday November 12th 1955

After finally finding out the correct time, George ran outside into the parking lot and saw what he thought was Marty struggling in the car with Lorraine, George puffed out his chest and walked up to the car and opened the door to put a stop to it

"Hey you, get your damn hands off-"

George was shocked to see that it wasn't Marty but Biff in the car, this clearly wasn't part of the plan, Biff was doing unspeakable things to Lorraine and she was whimpering in fear of what he was doing to her

I think you got the wrong car, McFly Biff said to George see

George help me please! Lorraine whimpered

Just turn around McFly, and walk away said Biff

George didn't leave like he was told and instead just stood there, seeing Lorraine struggling and scared, he couldn't just leave he had to something about it.

Are you deaf McFly?, close the door and beat it Biff said

No Biff, you leave her alone said George

Biff then got out of the car, he towered over George as he tried his best to look brave

You're asking for it and now you're gonna get it Biff said

George went punch Biff in the stomach, but caught his arm and started twisting it, this got him to his knees, Lorraine who was witnessing this, tried to get Biff to stop

Biff stop it, you'll break his arm she yelled

Meanwhile in the back of the school, Marvin and the rest of his bandmates tried to open the trunk of the car to get Marty and Chris out using a screwdriver as Marvin was using the screwdriver to open the trunk he misplaced his right hand and accidentally cut his hand

Ow, damn it man I sliced my hand! said Marvin as he looked at his now bleeding hand

Then the trunk of the car finally opened, Marty and Chris came out gave the keys back to the driver of the car and ran off to help Lorraine

Thank for your help, appreciate it Chris yelled back at the band

Back with Biff he kept twisting George's arm and Lorraine kept trying to get Biff to let go of him

"Biff, leave him alone, let him go, let him-"

Biff then pushed Lorraine down and she fell to the ground, he even started laughing, George saw Lorraine on the ground and for the first time in his life he decided he wasn't going to be afraid anymore, then turned his other hand into a fist, he was sick and tired of being Biff's punching bag, no more being a coward, no more of being bullied, and most importantly no more of being seen as a dork, he then raised his fist and decked Biff in the face which knocked him back against the car and he fell down to the ground unconscious.

Marty and Chris who were running towards the car, saw the whole thing and they were both shocked and surprised that their father for the very first time finally stood up for himself, George then looked down at Lorraine and reached out a hand to her

Are you ok? George asked Lorraine

After she nodded yes, she took George's hand and he helped her up, they then looked into each other's eyes, they both had a look that Marty and Chris hadn't seen in their parents for quite some time, a look of love,  George and Lorraine walked away together as a group of teenagers came and saw Biff unconscious

Who's that guy? asked a random girl who saw George and Lorraine together

That's George McFly answered her date

That's George McFly? she said in shock

Marty and Chris then reached into their pockets to check on their photographs and Marty saw that on his photo, half of Linda's body had faded away, and on Chris's photo half of Hawn's body also faded away, they needed to their parents to kiss now or else they would cease to exist, and they realized they won't be able to dance without music, so they ran off to find The Starlighters and tell them they had go back and play.

Meanwhile back in the town square, Doc had finished setting up everything for his experiment later, he checked his watch for the time it was 9:10PM and see heard the sounds of the howling wind and the sound of thunder in the night sky, that could only mean one thing.

The storm Doc said as he looked up at the sky

Back at the dance..
Marty and Chris then ran back to the back entrance of the school and saw the rest of the band tending to Marvin's bleeding hand

Hey guys, you've gotta get back in there and finish the dance! Marty said to the band

Hey man look at Marvin's hand, he can't play with his hand like that and we can't play without him said Reginald

Alright look Marvin, you've gotta play see that's where they kiss for time on the dance floor Marty said to Marvin "if there's no music they can't dance, they can't dance they can't kiss, if they can't kiss, they won't fall in love and we're history"

Hey man the dance is over, unless either of you knows somebody else that can play the guitar Marvin said to the boys

I know somebody who plays guitar Chris said

Yeah who? asked Tony

Right here!, Marty can play guitar, right Marty? Chris said to Marty

Can you play, kid? asked Marvin

"Yeah I can but I'm not that good-

Not good?, Marty you're insanely good, plus we need music to get them to kiss said Chris

Alright kid you're in, you know the song Earth Angel? asked Marvin

Yeah I've guess I've heard it answered Marty

Good, cause that's one of the songs we're playing tonight said Marvin

Wait, wait I don't know how to play Earth Angel said Marty

Don't worry I'll give you a quick course on how to play it before we go back on stage Marvin said

Marvin then gave Marty his red Gibson electric guitar, first he played the opening chords to The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix (which hadn't even been written yet) to show them he could play and then Marvin showed Marty how to play Earth Angel, after learning the chords to the song, Marty, and the rest of the band went back inside the gymnasium to get on with the rest of the dance, it was now or never for Marty and Chris, they had to get their parents to kiss or else it would all be over.

That's Chapter 16, hope you're enjoying this story and we're now at the halfway point, Chapter 17 is on its way so stay tuned for that - TheRetroKid

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