Chapter 5: The Delorean

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Saturday October 26th 1985

After going to Doc's house to get his video camera Marty and Chris rode their skateboard and bike until they finally arrived at Twin Pines Mall, as Marty got off his skateboard and Chris got off his bike they saw in the parking lot Doc's white van and sitting behind it his dog a Catalan Sheepdog named Einstein as Marty and Chris approached the lovable pooch, they both gave him pets and scratches

Einstein! hey Einstein where's the Doc boy? Marty asked the dog

suddenly the boys heard the sound of an engine starting and the back of the van the ramp came down slowly and coming down slowly out of the steam fog was a stainless steel DeLorean , and it didn't just look like a regular old DeLorean it was modified with coils, and bits and pieces of junk along with a license plate which said OUTATIME it looked like something out of a science fiction novel it looked really cool, Marty and Chris looked in curiosity and amazement as The DeLorean came down down the ramp, then the gull wing door opened and Doc Brown came out wearing a white radiation suit, and holding a clipboard

Doc! The boys called out

Marty, Chris you made it! Doc exclaimed

Welcome to my latest experiment this is the big one, the one I've been waiting for all my life! said Doc excitedly

Well it's a DeLorean-

Stay with me boys all your questions will be answered roll tape and we'll proceed Doc interrupted Marty

Doc that car looks so rad, how did you-

save your questions for later Chris, Marty roll the camera said Doc instructing Marty to roll the video camera

Uh Doc, is that a Devo suit? Marty asked

Never mind that, never mind that now, not now said Doc ignoring Marty's question

Marty then turned on the video camera while Chris stood next to him trying not to get in the shot

Alright I'm ready said Marty

Good evening I'm Dr. Emmett Brown, I'm standing on the parking lot at Twin Pines Mall Doc said while looking into the camera

It's Saturday morning, October 26th 1985, 1:18AM, and this is temporal experiment no. 1 said Doc he checked his watch

Doc then got Einstein and led him into the driver's seat of the DeLorean

Come on Einie, hey boy get in there, atta boy in you go, get down get your seatbelt on, that's it said Doc as Einstein sat in the front seat of the car and fastened his seatbelt

Woah woah ok! said Marty as he handed Chris the video camera

Doc then raised up two stopwatches one around Einstein's neck and one around his which were synchronized at the same time and presented it in front of the camera while Chris took his turn with filming

Please note that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch, got it? Doc asked Chris

Right, check, Doc Chris answered

Good he responded

Doc then gave Einstein a pat on the head as he bid him farewell

Have a good trip Einstein, watch your head said Doc as he closed the car door

As Chris handed Marty back the camera so could continue filming Doc took out what looked like a remote control, he turned it on which started the car

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