Chapter 2: School

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Friday October 25th 1985

Chris, Billy and Hawn entered the side door and walked through the empty halls of the school, Billy and Hawn peeked out from one of the hallways and realized the coast was clear

Alright, I don't see her, I think we're clear said Billy

Guys, I'm telling you it wasn't my fault I was late said Chris "I tagged along with Marty to see Doc, Doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow"

Before Chris could even finish his sentence he suddenly felt a hand gripping his shoulder and looked to see the principal Edna Strickland, she was 79 years old and a real cranky old lady, her younger brother was principal of Marty's high school while she had been principal of his junior high school and before that she was a reporter for the Hill Valley Telegraph and it was her last year before retirement, she wasn't exactly a nice principal, she was very strict like her brother, and didn't like Chris solely because of the fact he and his brother would hang out with Doc Brown, she gripped Chris' shoulder and she was not happy

Doc?, you and that hooligan of a brother are still fraternizing with that dolt Dr. Emmett Brown? asked Ms Strickland

"In my office Mcfly"

Ms Strickland took Chris to her office where she had a cranky look on her face

Let me a give you a free piece of advice Christopher Mcfly Emmett Brown is a nothing but a nuisance, a menace to society said Ms Strickland in a mean scowl in her voice "you keep hanging around with him, you're going to end in big trouble, do you understand young man?"

Oh yes ma'am said Peter sarcastically

You've got a real attitude problem Mcfly, you're a hooligan, a slacker! just like your father, he was a slacker too you know said Ms Strickland

Yeah I gotta get to class, it's been nice chatting with you said Chris in a cocky voice as he headed for the door

My brother tells me that your hooligan of a brother and his band is on the roster for the dance auditions later today said Ms Strickland "let me be first to tell you, your brother doesn't have a chance and neither do you, you know why?, because no Mcfly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley"

Chris wanted so badly to slap the living shit out of her for insulting his big brother and his family but didn't want to stoop down to her level

You're wrong Ms Strickland, Marty will get his chance, and the one day I'll get the same chance at him said Chris "get ready Mrs Strickland, cause history is gonna change"

Later that day..
it was an hour before school ended and and Chris and his friends were in English class as their teacher Mr. Gale was telling the class about the themes in the H.G. Wells novel The Time Machine, Chris wasn't even paying attention as he was staring at a girl in the front row of the classroom, she was the same age as him, she had blonde hair, wore blue jeans, Reebok sneakers, white shirt and a red Adidas jacket, he didn't know her name, he and his friends just referred to her as the New Girl because she was a new student.

Chris has had a crush on her since the first day of school, Chris tried to learn on the first day of school unfortunately when the teacher introduced her to the class he wore his headphones while listening to "Something" by The Beatles on his Walkman, and when Chris listens to a song he listens until the very end without stopping the tape, when he took off his headphones he didn't get a chance to hear the teacher say her name, all that he knew was that she moved to Hill Valley from Seattle, Washington and that her parents owned a record shop that just opened in the town square, they had something in common already, every time he tried to talk to her he would get nervous and walk away, the only people who knew about his crush, were his friends and Marty he couldn't tell his parents particularly his mother cause they would probably say something like "you're too young to be in love"

Mr. Gale let the other kids hang out and talk to each other before the end of class, Chris watched as The New Girl talked to her friends while Billy and Hawn were in conversation with him about the music they listened to recently

Dude, are you listening? said Billy

Huh, what did you say? said Chris

I said have you heard Huey Lewis' new song? asked Billy

Oh yeah, it's pretty good said Chris

Chris, when are going to stop staring and The New Girl actually walk up to her, talk to her and get to know her on a first name basis? asked Hawn

I'm trying but every time I walk up to her I get nervous said Chris

Chris, didn't you just say to Ms Strickland, something about taking chances said Hawn "cause if Marty has a chance to nail his audition, you have a chance to win that girl's heart"

You're right! said Chris as he got from up his desk

Chris then walked up to the New Girl to talk to her, but before he could let out a word to her the school bell rang and everyone left the classroom including The New Girl and her friends

Don't worry man, one day you'll get her said Billy

Thanks Billy said Chris

As soon as Chris and his friends exited the school, his friends went back to their homes as Chris rode his bike to Hill Valley High School to see Marty's audition.

That's chapter 2, hope you're enjoying the story so I'll be working on Chapter 3 soon, so stay tuned
- TheRetroKid

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