Chapter 13: Skateboard Chase

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Tuesday November 8th 1955

After George woke up in a cold sweat, he was aware that he overslept and missed school, but he then remembered what happened the previous night when Darth Vader and Boba Fett came out him in his bedroom and told him to take Lorraine to The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance on Saturday to fix some rift in the space time continuum or else they would melt his brain, but the only problem was he didn't know how to talk to Lorraine, much less ask her out, but he knew who to turn to for help, so he quickly got dressed, and ran out of his house and started looking around for Marty and Chris, after searching the school, he went to the town square and found Marty and Chris getting Pepsis from a Pepsi machine next to the gas station, he then ran across the street to ask for their help.

Marty, Chris! George called out

Hey George buddy, you weren't at school what have you been doing all day? Marty asked

I overslept, look I need your help I have to ask Lorraine out but I don't know how to do it George said to Marty and Chris

Alright listen keep your pants on, she's over at the cafe said Chris

Marty and Chris were having trouble opening their soda bottles so George took the bottles and opened it for them on the bottle opener on the side of the machine, and then they both ran to the cafe down the street

What made you change your mind, George? asked Marty

Yeah, yesterday you said you weren't gonna ask Lorraine out to the dance and that nothing would make your change your mind Chris added

Well last night Darth Vader and Boba Fett came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that If I didn't take Lorraine out, they'd melt my brain George told them

Alright, let's just keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves ok? Marty reassured George

Oh Yeah, Yeah answered

Marty, Chris and George approached the cafe and Lorraine in the window laughing and talking to her friends and they had to give George tips on how to talk to her as George had never talked to a girl before as he was shy

Alright there she is George, just go in there and invite her said Marty

Ok but I don't know what to say said George nervously

Just say anything George, whatever's natural the first thing that comes to your mind said Marty

Nothing's coming to my mind said George

Jesus Christ George, it's a wonder we were even born Chris mumbled

What? George said confused

Nothing, Nothing, never mind forget it said Chris

Alright look, tell her destiny brought you together, tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen in the world, girls like that stuff said Marty

Woah Woah, I feel like that's the kind of advice you should be giving me said Chris smugly

Ah Shut up said Marty responded

George didn't even listen to Chris's comment as he writing down what Marty said on his notepad

What are you doing? Marty asked George

I'm writing this down, this is good stuff said George as wrote down what Marty said in his notepad

Marty, Chris and George all entered the diner which was packed with teenagers talking and having a laugh with their peers, the jukebox was playing and a couple was dancing in the corner, and in one of the booths there was Lorraine with her friends talking and gossiping, George went to the counter to order a chocolate milkshake as a chocolate milkshake always calmed his nerves

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