Chapter 14: A Letter to Doc

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Saturday November 12th 1955

Tonight was now the night of The Enchantment Under The Sea and the night of the famous lightning storm that would strike the clock tower and they needed that lightning to get produce the 1.21 gigawatts needed to get Marty and Chris back to 1985, earlier that day Marty, George and Chris bought their suits for the dance, Marty was now wearing a grey suit and a red tie to go with it and Chris was donning a black suit and tie which made him look like a member of The Beatles and being that it's 1955, John Lennon was now 15 and wouldn't meet Paul McCartney until two years later in 1957.

It was now 8:45PM, and Marty, Chris and Doc were in the town square, Doc was listening to weather forecast on his car radio while setting up his "weather experiment" he was setting up the wire on the two lampposts, as Marty was putting on the roof of the car as he was borrowing Doc's car to pick up Lorraine, and for Chris he was borrowing a bicycle from Doc to go to the dance to meet up with George all the while Doc was setting up the wire for the big lightning strike later tonight

Are you two sure about this storm? Doc asked the boys while listening to the weather forecast

Since When can weather men predict the weather? said Marty

Let alone the future Chris added

You know I'm gonna be very sad see you boys go, you've really made a difference, you've given me something to shoot for said Doc "just knowing that I'm gonna be around to see 1985, that I'm gonna succeed in this, that going to have a chance to travel through time"

Marty and Chris then gave solemn looks at each other as they knew Doc wouldn't get the chance to travel through time as the same night they went back in time their best friend would get shot and killed by the Libyan terrorists, they knew they had to tell him now before it was too late

it's going to be really hard to wait 30 years before I can talk to you both about everything that's happened in the past few days, I'm really going to miss you boys Doc said to Marty and Chris

We're really gonna miss you said Marty

Yeah, very much added Chris

As Doc was going into his toolbox getting a 3/4 wrench, Marty and Chris had to tell Doc about what happened on that night in 1985

Doc, about the future, there's something we have to tell you said Marty

No!, Marty, we already agreed that having information about the future could be extremely dangerous, even if you're intentions are good, it could backfire drastically said Doc

But Doc, we have to tell you it's very important said Chris

Chris, whatever it is you and your brother have to tell me I'll find out through the natural course of time Doc said to Chris

Marty and Chris then decided rather than tell Doc in person, they decided to write him a letter that he would open in 1985 that told him about what happened on the night they both went back in time, before they went to the dance they went down to Lou's Diner to write the letter Marty wrote the first half and Chris wrote the second half and the entire thing read:

Dear Dr. Brown
On The Night That We Go Back in Time You Will Be Shot by Terrorists, Please Take Whatever Precautions Are Necessary to Prevent This Terrible Disaster
Your Friends
Marty and Chris
November 12th 1955

they then put their letter in an envelope on which they wrote "Do Not Open Until 1985" and since they knew Doc wouldn't read it if they gave to him so they had to find a way to sneak it into his jacket. As Doc was on a ladder setting up the wire, a policeman saw him set up and was curious as to what he was doing

Good evening Dr. Brown, what's with the wire? asked the policeman

Oh just a little weather experiment Doc responded

The policeman then saw something covered with a big tarp and he wanted to know what was underneath it, what was really underneath that huge tarp was the DeLorean Time Machine.

What'd you got under here? asked the policeman as he lifted up the tarp

No don't touch that!, some new specialized weather sensing equipment Doc exclaimed

You got a permit for that? asked the policeman

Of course I do answered Doc

Doc then came down the ladder to give the police officer his permit and some cash, this gave the boys the chance to sneak the letter into Doc's overcoat, after that Marty got in Doc's car pick up Lorraine and Chris got on Doc's bicycle to meet George at the dance, hopefully if things go to plan their parents would get together, their existences would be on track and they both would go back to 1985.

There we go that's Chapter 14 for you, hope you're all enjoying the story so far, Chapter 15 is in development so stay tuned - TheRetroKid

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