Chapter 6: Back in Time

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Saturday October 26th 1985

After Marty and Chris got into their radiation suits, Doc got out the yellow box and pulled out a a container which contained a small pellet of plutonium, Marty and Chris watched as Doc took the lid off the plutonium chamber on the back of the DeLorean,  and carefully placed the container inside and gently turned it to the right and then the pellet of plutonium shot down into the chamber which meant the time machine was fuelled and ready to go, Doc then took out the container and closed the plutonium chamber

Safe now everything's lead-lined said Doc as he took off his hazmat helmet

Marty and Doc took their helmets, as Doc took the empty container and put it back in the box, Doc then went to take his first trip across time but stopped as he realized he'd almost forgotten his suitcase which contains most of his personal belongings

Oh!, I almost forgot my luggage, who knows if they got cotton underwear in the future, I'm allergic to all synthetics said Doc as he opened up the hood of the car and put his suitcase inside

The future? Marty and Chris said in unison

You're going to the future? Chris asked Doc

That's right 25 years into the future Doc answered to Chris "I've always dreamed of seeing the future looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind"

Why not? said Marty

I'll also be able to see who wins the next 25 World Series Doc added

Hey Doc look us up when you get there said Marty

Indeed I Will, roll it said Doc

Marty then turned on the video camera as he and his brother watched Doc open the car door ready to take his time machine 25 years into the future

I, Dr. Emmett Brown am about to embark on a historic journey said Doc as he looked into the camera

Doc was going to tell Marty to turn off the camera, but suddenly remembered he forgot to take the case of plutonium with him without it how couldn't get back to the present

What am I thinking of?, I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium, how do I ever expect to get back?, one pellet, one trip! I must be out of my mind said Doc laughing

Doc then Suddenly the sound of Einstein's barking, as it something was coming towards them

What is it, Einie? Doc asked his dog

Einstein then started whimpering and hiding, As Doc looked behind Marty and Chris too see a pair of headlights in the distance, the second he saw those headlights he knew who it was

Oh my God! they found me, I don't know how but they found me said Doc scared out of his wits

Run for it, boys! yelled Doc as he ran another direction

Who?, Who? asked Marty

Who is it? asked Chris

Who do you think?, The Libyans!! yelled Doc

Marty and Chris turned around to see a Volkswagen Bus coming towards them and driving it were The Libyan Terrorists that Doc stole the plutonium from and they were not happy about that, one of them was carrying a sub machine gun and yelling at the driver in Arabic to drive towards them

Holy Shit!! yelled Marty

Oh Fu-

Before Chris could even finish what he said the Libyan holding the gun was firing shots at them, most of them hitting the van, Doc, Marty and Chris ducked down from the blazing bullets that were being shot towards them

Back to the Future: Brothers in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now