Chapter 19: Lone Pine Mall

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Saturday October 26th 1985

A helicopter flew over the courthouse, as a homeless man who was known as Red slept on a nearby bench sleeping while listening to the radio, suddenly a big flash of light and the sound of a car crashing woke him up, he got up from the bench to see what made the noise and saw a DeLorean had just crashed into the Town church which used to be the Town Movie Theatre and drove out of the wreckage

Crazy drunk driver he said drunkenly

As the DeLorean pulled away from the wreckage of the church it suddenly stopped and Marty and Chris got out to observe the town square and it was exactly how it was when they last saw it, the X-rated movie theatre, the Hill Valley Courthouse with the clock stuck on 10:04PM, there were back in their own time of 1985, they even saw the familiar sight of the hobo Red on his bench with his blanket of newspapers

Oh Red! said Chris

You look great, everything looks great! said Chris

They saw the digital clock on the Bank of America which said the time was 1:24, they had a 10 minute head start to go and warn Doc about the Libyan terrorists

1:24, we still got time! said Marty

Alright we got to go now, we're coming Doc said Chris as he got back in the car

As Marty got back in the DeLorean, he went to start the car, only to find that once again it wouldn't start

No, No not again! said Marty as tried to start the car

As they tried to start the DeLorean, a blue Volkswagen van passed through, they got out of the car they suddenly realized it was the Libyans heading straight to the mall to gun Doc down

Libyans, come on! said Marty

Marty and Chris then ran off in the direction of the van, trying to get to the mall, after running a few blocks they finally arrived at the Lone Pine Mall which used to say Twin Pines Mall, but due to Marty accidentally running over Peabody's pine tree in 1955, they changed it, Marty and Chris were out of breath but by the time they arrived, they realized that they were too late, The Libyans had arrived and Doc had been fatally shot dead, they were about to shout at them for killing their friend when they heard some voices

No, you bastards!"

"You son of a bitch!"

They then looked down at the scene and saw their past selves running away from the Libyans just as they stopped in front of them, they remembered this part, the Libyan holding the gun was jammed and they both ran to the DeLorean sending themselves back to 1955, they then saw the DeLorean driving away as the Libyans tried shooting them down, during the chaos they jumped into the shrubs and saw the DeLorean hit 88 miles per hour and disappear in a flash leaving a pair of fire trails, the Libyans were blinded by the light and they ended up crashing into the Photomat in the parking lot, and flipping the van on it's side, after it was over they then ran towards Doc, they flipped him on his back and saw bullet holes in his chest and his lifeless stare, they were too late, their friend was dead

Oh no! cried Marty

As Marty and Chris held each other crying, they looked back to see Doc sitting up alive and well

You're alive! said Marty

But how? Chris asked

Doc then unzipped his radiation suit to reveal a bullet proof vest underneath, which helped explain how he survived, but what the boys were confused at to how he knew about it, since he tore up the letter they'd written him

Bulletproof vest?, how did you know? asked Marty

We didn't even a chance get to tell you Chris added

Doc then reached into the inside jacket pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper that looked old and faded and handed it to them, and unfolded it and low and behold it was the letter that Marty and Chris to him in 1955 taped back together, they were glad that he was able to save it, but they wondered what made him change his mind?, as he said that knowing about the future could lead to disastrous consequences

What about all that talk about screwing up future events?, the space time continuum? Marty and Chris asked

Well I figured, what the hell? Doc responded

Later that evening..
After Doc got the Time Machine fixed and added another pellet of plutonium, he and Einstein dropped the McFly siblings back their house at Lyon Estates before he went off embark on his own time travel trip, seeing the future

So how far ahead are you going? Marty and Chris asked

About 30 years, it's a nice round number Doc answered

Don't forget to look us both up when you get there alright, guess Marty will be about 47, and I'll be 43 said Chris as he and Marty said goodbye

I will he responded

Take care, Doc said Marty

You too Doc responded

Oh and watch that re-entry, it's a little bumpy said Marty

"You bet"

After saying goodbye to Doc and his dog Einstein, they saw him drive off and pick up enough speed, the DeLorean hit 88 and disappeared in a flash of light and just like that he was gone

They then walked back inside the house through the side door, they climbed back through Marty's bedroom window and Marty crashed onto his bed exhausted from all he had been through and Chris walked back over to his bedroom across the hall and fell asleep on the bed, he didn't even bother changing into his pyjamas, he fell onto his bed and fell asleep knowing that he and Marty were safe and sound back in good ol' 1985, but little did they know that come morning thing were going to be very different.

There we go, Chapter 19 is finished, only one chapter left, before I start writing the final chapter I just want to thank you all for reading, I'm really glad that you guys enjoyed reading this fanfic cause I had a blast writing it, Back to the Future has always been my favourite movie and I'm so glad I was able to do a fanfic about it, the last Chapter is on its way so stay tuned - TheRetroKid

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