Chapter 11: Lorraine The Rebel and George the Writer

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Monday November 7th 1955

Marty, Chris and Doc spent all day yesterday buying some 50's clothes for them and came up with a theory as to why their photographs are fading away from existence, Marty was now wearing a white shirt with a green pattern, brown slacks, a maroon jacket and Converse sneakers and as for Chris he now wore blue jeans, white shirt with a red plaid shirt over it, a navy blue jacket and black loafers, now they looked like normal kids from 1955, Doc also got them enrolled in Hill Valley High School pretending to be their uncle, Marty was 17 so he could pass off as a high school student Chris however was 13 and a year away from starting high school, and despite his child sounding voice he could be passable as being a freshman starting high school.

They all arrived at Hill Valley High School and Marty and Chris saw it was all clean and pristine, whereas in 1985 it looked old and the outside was covered in graffiti, they even passed Chris' junior high school on the way over and saw that in was in it's finishing stages of construction it wouldn't open until September of the following year

Woah, they really cleaned this place up looks brand new said Marty admiring how great his high school used to look

Now remember according to my theory you both interfered with your parents' first meeting Doc explained "if they don't meet they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids, that's why you're older brother is disappearing from that photograph"

What about my photo?, I understand why Dave is disappearing from Marty's picture, but why's my friend Billy disappearing from mine? Chris asked Doc

It's Simple, if your parents never met, it means you were never born and therefore never met your friends, that's why your friend Billy is disappearing from your picture said Doc

your friend Hawn and your sister will follow and unless you two repair the damage, you'll be next Doc finished

Oh man! said Chris

Sounds pretty heavy said Marty

Weight has nothing to do with it said Doc

Inside the school..
As Marty, Chris and Doc walked through the halls of Hill Valley High School, Doc wanted to know who their parents were, so Marty looked into one of the doors window's of the classroom until he found their mother in math class taking a test, in the second row of seats

Hey Doc, Doc there she is, right there second row said Marty as he her pointed out to Doc

Oh yeah, I see the resemblance said Doc

Marty then saw through the window that Lorraine was looking over the shoulder of one of other kids to get the answers to the test and it dawned on to him what she was doing, his mother, the very woman who said she did well in school, was cheating on her math test

Holy shit!, she's cheating said Marty

What?!, let me see said Chris

Chris looked into the window into the classroom and saw her mother cheating on her test, she clearly had a rebellious side much like him

Oh shit! that is wild! said Chris

Marty and Chris were shocked at how bad their mother was being because she always told she never got into trouble and was the good girl in school, it completely flipped their expectations when they learned that their mother at 17 years old, was the bad girl

That's our mom said Chris

After math class ended, Lorraine passed by Doc talking to her friends about how she failed her math test, as that happened Marty and Chris saw their father George McFly coming this way getting his butt kicked literally by his classmates

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