Chapter 17: The Fateful Kiss and Johnny B. Goode

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Saturday November 12th 1955

As the band took the stage, Marty launched into the opening chords of "Earth Angel" and the band followed suit while Chris watched from backstage, as Marty was playing guitar, Marvin walked up to the microphone dedicating this song to every lover in the crowd and started singing

As Marvin kept singing, Marty and Chris looked into the audience and among the other couples slow dancing with each other, they saw George and Lorraine dancing together, as he kept playing he looked at his picture which he put between the strings of the guitar and saw that in was now just himself left in the photograph, he looked over at Chris which told him he had to check his own photograph, he took his photo out of his pocket and looked upon in horror as both his friends were now gone and like Marty's picture, it was just himself alone in the picture, it was only a matter before they would both start fading away, they looked over at their parents and they needed them to kiss now if they were to exist in the future.

George and Lorraine were dancing and looking into each other's eyes, Lorraine was wondering if George wanted to kiss her, so she decided to ask him

George, aren't you going to kiss me? Lorraine asked George

I-I don't know George answered nervously

Before George could get a chance to kiss Lorraine, a random redheaded boy named Rick, intervened and started to force Lorraine to dance with him

Scram McFly, I'm cutting in said Rick

And Rick kept dancing with Lorraine, George started to walk away as he walked away, onstage Marty started to mess up the chords on the guitar and started to feel lightheaded and Chris also started feeling lightheaded and leaned back the wall, they fell to the floor, Marty realized he couldn't play and Chris couldn't get up, they looked over at Lorraine in distress and George walking away, they looked up at their photographs and looked in horror as they saw they started to fade out, Marty looked at his left hand and Chris looked at his right hand and saw they were fading away.

Just as Marty and Chris were beginning to be erased from existence, George got the courage to approach Rick and push him away from Lorraine, George and Lorraine then looked into each other's eyes, and as the song was on it's last verse, they moved in for a sweet romantic kiss on the lips, just as they kissed Marty sprung up from the floor and continued playing the guitar and Chris got up from the floor, they then looked at each other's pictures and saw that they along with their older siblings Dave and Linda and Chris' friends Billy and Hawn were fading back, which meant their mission complete they got their parents together and ensured their existences now they needed to do is to get back to 1985, as they looked at their parents in the crowd of dancing couples George gave a wave at Marty and he waved back using the hand that had just faded back, George and Lorraine shared another kiss just as the song reached its crescendo.

After the song ended everyone in the audience started clapping and cheering for more

Alright let's do another one Marvin suggested

Uh no, we gotta go said Marty

Come on man, let's do something that really cooks! Marvin insisted

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