Chapter 18: The Lightning Strike

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Saturday November 12th 1955

In the town square, Doc was starting to get impatient waiting for Marty and Chris to show up, the lightning bolt was going to strike in less than 7 minutes, If they didn't show up, they'd have to wait another year to get back

Damn, where are those kids?! Damn, Damn, Damn said Doc as he looked at his watch

Suddenly Doc saw his car pull up across the street and Marty and Chris came out, they were both dressed back in their 80's attire, they weren't going to show up in 1985 in clothes that were 30 years old, Marty and Chris then started helping Doc take the tarp off the DeLorean Time Machine to prepare it for their departure

You're late, do you boys have no concept of times Doc said to the boys

Hey come on, we had to change! said Marty

What? you think we were going back in those zoot suits! Chris added

The old man really came through it worked!, he laid out Biff in one punch said Marty as he relayed the events that happened at the dance

We didn't know he had it in him, he's never stood up to Biff in his life! said Chris as he showed Doc his and Marty's pictures

Doc looked at both of their pictures and that they were back to the way it was, and after hearing that their father had never stood up to Biff once in his whole life, he had a fleeting worrying thought about somehow causing irreparable damage to the space-time continuum, but brushed it off and he figured that their parents were together and that's it's their future they can make it however they want, he then handed the photographs back to the boys and led them to the DeLorean to set their destination time

Alright, let's set your destination time! said Doc

Doc then opened the gull wing door and turned on the time circuits, he looked below at the Last Time Department heading and saw the date that Marty and Chris had left, October 26th, 1985, 1:35AM

This is the exact time you left, let's send you two back at exactly the same time said Doc at the punched in the date on the keypad

The date on the Destination Time now read the same date as on the Last Time Departed circuit, everything was now set

It'll be like you never left said Doc

Doc then got out of the Time Machine and started explaining to Marty and Chris about his experiment in order to get them Back to the Future

Now, I've painted a white line on the street way over there, that's where you'll start from Doc said pointing to the long road leading out of the town square

I've calculated the precise distance, taken into account the acceleration speed and wind resistance retroactive from the moment the lightning strikes Doc continued

Doc then took out an alarm clock and looked at the time as he explained the rest of his experiment to Marty and Chris

Which will be in exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds, when this alarm goes off, you hit the gas! he finished

Doc then set the alarm to ring at exactly 10:03PM and put it on dashboard, now everything was set for Marty and Chris to get Back to the Future, but sadly this is where they depart, hopefully this wouldn't be the last time they would see Doc, hopefully by the time they get back to 1985 Doc will have read the letter they had written, and they would see him alive and well

Well I guess that's everything said Doc

Thanks said Marty and Chris thanking Doc for everything

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