Chapter 8: Lorraine Baines

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Saturday November 5th 1955

Marty had started to wake up from being unconscious and saw that it was now dark outside and it was raining, what happened?, was it all a dream?, Marty then saw a silhouette of a woman that tending to him, and he thought it was his mother judging by the sound of her voice

Mom, is that you? Marty said

There, there now, just relax you've been asleep for almost nine hours said Lorraine as he put an ice bag on Marty's forehead

I had a horrible nightmare, I dreamed that me and Chris went back in time, it was terrible said Marty

Well you're safe and sound now back in good old 1955 said Lorraine

1955?! said Marty shocked

Suddenly the bed side light turned on and he was greeted by the sight of her future mother, 17, young thin and beautiful, Marty was shocked by how thin and pretty she looked

You're my-, you're my- Marty stammered

My name is Lorraine, Lorraine Baines said Lorraine introducing herself to this strange boy

Yeah, but you're so-you're so thin said Marty

Just relax Calvin you got a big bruise on your head said Lorraine

Marty then went to get to bed, as took off the sheets he saw he was in his underwear, so he covered himself up in embarrassment

Where are my pants? Marty asked Lorraine

Over there at my hope chest said Lorraine as she pointed to where Marty's pants were

Suddenly Marty remembered about Chris, he wondered where he was and if his little brother was okay

Chris, where's Chris? Marty asked worriedly

Oh you mean David Bowie? he's downstairs and he's been worried about you said Lorraine "I've never seen purple underwear before, Calvin"

Calvin?, why do you keep calling me Calvin asked Marty

That is your name isn't it?, Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear said Lorraine as he tried to get a look at his underwear

Marty then backed away as his teenage mother tried to get a peek at his purple underwear, despite both being the same age it was very weird for him

Oh I guess they call you Cal, huh? Lorraine

No, actually people call me Marty said Marty telling Lorraine his actual name

Oh, pleased to meet you Calvin-, Marty Klein said Lorraine as she sat next to Marty on her bed

Marty felt awkward and uncomfortable at the fact that his own mother was trying to make a move on him, granted she was 17 and he or Chris weren't even born yet but still it felt weird and very very wrong on so many levels

Do you mind if I sit here? Lorraine asked

No, Fine, no good, fine, good Marty stammered on his words

As Lorraine scooted closer it got even weirder for Marty as Lorraine was giving off a "lioness in heat" vibe from her and it was making him feel even more uncomfortable

That's a big bruise you got there said Lorraine as she went to touch Marty's forehead

Marty then got startled by his future mother's advances and backed away which made him fall off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud, which caught the attention of Lorraine's mother downstairs

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