Chapter 9: Future Boys

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Saturday November 5th 1955

Marty and Chris followed the directions given by Lorraine's father, they went a block past Maple, and they turned left on Zemeckis Avenue (later known to them as John F. Kennedy Drive), until they finally reached 1640 Riverside Drive, as they arrived at Doc's place they saw his garage was how he remembered but they also saw his house which would burn down years later in pristine condition.

They then walked up to the front door and knocked, they then waited for a few minutes, when nobody answered they were about to leave, when they suddenly heard the sounds of a door closing and an electric warbling sound, they went to knock on the door again when it suddenly opened to reveal a young Doc Brown he appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s and he was wearing a strange contraption on his head.

Doc! said Marty

"Doc listen we need-

Doc didn't even let Chris finish his sentence and he grabbed him and Marty by the collar of their shirts and let them inside the house

Don't say a word said Doc as he took Chris and Marty into the house

Doc then led Marty and Chris inside the house where his young puppy Copernicus was hooked up to some electrical invention of his, Doc unhooked his little companion from the device and started the machine up with intentions to test it on them

I don't want to know your names, I don't want to know anything about either of you said Doc as he fired up the device

Doc please just-

"Don't tell me anything, be quiet"

Doc then stuck a suction cup on each of their foreheads and flicked some switches which lead to some electrical warbling

I'm going to read your thoughts! said Doc as he started up the machine

Let's see now, you've both come here from a great distance? Doc asked the boys

"Yeah exactly-

No, No,No don't tell me! Doc interrupted Marty

Uh, you want to me to buy a subscription to the Saturday Evening Post? he asked

No! answered Marty

Not a word!, Not a word now quiet! said Doc

Um, You want me to buy some Boy Scout cookies? Doc asked Chris

No!, Doc listen!, me and-

Shh!, don't say anything! Doc interrupted

Uh, Donations!, you want me to make donations to the Coast Guard Youth Auxiliary and the Lumberjack Association Fund? Doc asked

Doc!! Chris and Marty yelled in unison as they took off the suction cup

We're from the future, we came here in a Time Machine that you invented Marty explained

Now we need your help to get back to the year 1985! Chris finished

As Marty and Chris finished explaining their predicament to Doc, he just stood there with the most shocked expression on his face, he couldn't believe what he was hearing

My God! Do you know what this means? Doc said as he put his hands on their shoulders

It means that this damned thing doesn't work at all! said Doc in frustration as he took off his mind reading helmet

Doc you gotta help us, you're the only one who knows how how your time machine works said Marty

Time machine?, I haven't invented any time machine said Doc as he touched the bruise on his head

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