Chapter 12: Darth Vader and Boba Fett

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Monday November 7th 1955

It was now nighttime and it neared midnight and George was sound asleep in his bed, he was a fairly heavy sleeper as Marty remembered the time he snuck back inside the house after The Pinheads played a late night garage concert whilst his dad was sound asleep on his La-Z Boy so he and Chris had no problem sneaking in through their teenage father's bedroom window, Marty and Chris sneaked into George's bedroom dressed in their radiation suits, they brought along Marty's Walkman and headphones, the hairdryer from Doc's suitcase and a cassette tape which contained music by one of their guitar heroes Eddie Van Halen, Marty put the headphones on George's head, put the cassette inside his Walkman and pressed down play, and the loud wild guitar of Eddie Van Halen blasted loudly in George's ears which woke him up.

As George woke up from the loud sound in his ears he was greeted by strange people dressed what looked like weird space suits, which really freaked him out

Who are you? George asked scared

They didn't answer the question as Marty played the song again and George put his hands over his ears to try to cover the loud sound, then it stopped and he was now really freaked out

Silence earthling!, my name is Darth Vader said Marty doing his best Darth Vader impression

And I am Boba Fett Chris said Chris trying to sound menacing as he can

George then over his shoulder to the Science fiction comic on his nightstand and the alien robot on the cover looked exactly like the strangers standing before him, he know knew he was standing in the presence of two alien life forms, like a sci fi novel come to life.

We are extra terrestrials from the planet Vulcan said Marty said doing the Star Trek salute

Mom, Dad! George called out his parents

Chris then pulled the hairdryer and pointed it at George and turned it on, to him it was quite hot so he assumed it on be some kind of space ray

Silence!, my heat ray will vaporize you if you not obey us! Chris said

Ok, Ok, I Surrender, I Surrender, what do you want from me? George said nervously

You George McFly have created a rift in the space time continuum said Marty

I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean it said George apologizing for causing this rift

Sorry doesn't cut it George, These supreme Klingons hereby command you to take the female unit known as Baines Lorraine to the place called Hill Valley High School exactly four earth cycles from now said Chris

That's this Saturday night, George said Marty

You mean you want me to take Lorraine to the dance? George asked

Affirmative answered Marty and Chris

But I don't know if I can do that answered George reluctantly

Chris then turned the hairdryer back on on the highest setting and pointed it at George who cowered in fear at the hot sensation he felt

If you George McFly do not take the female known as Lorraine to the dance, I will melt your brain with my heat ray said Chris

Ok, Ok I'll take Lorraine to the dance, just please don't melt my brain George said scared

Chris then turned the hairdryer and put it away which relieved George, Marty then told George to close his eyes and see them no more, George then closed his eyes then fell back asleep out of shock of what had just happened, Marty and Chris then snuck back out the window and into Doc's car which was parked in the driveway, they then took off their hazmat helmets and Marty got in the passenger's seat and Chris in the backseat, and drove away back to Doc's house

How'd it go? Doc asked the boys

Great, wow we really gave him quite a scare said Chris

Hope we didn't overdo it said Marty

There you go that was Chapter 12, I know it's a fairly short one, but I decided to go with the extended version of the scene which was left on the cutting room floor which gave me some good material to work with, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter Chapter 12 is on its way, so stay tuned for that
- The RetroKid

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