Chapter 10: 1.21 Gigawatts!

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As soon as they found a way to sneak the DeLorean in Doc's garage, Marty was setting up '85 Doc's video camera to his black and white TV to show Young Doc the video they shot in 1985 which was a little difficult considering both devices were from two different decades, as Marty was up the video camera, Chris opened the trunk of the car and showed Doc his personal belongings which included a hairdryer, cotton underwear, a book about The Old West, and a Playboy Magazine

Oooh! suddenly the future is looking a whole lot better said Doc as he looked the centrefold picture in the magazine

Doc, that's Cynthia Brimhall she's not even born yet said Chris

Doc embarrassingly put the magazine back in the suitcase as Marty then finally connected the video camera to the TV and was ready to play the tape.

Ok Doc this is it Marty announced

Doc and Chris then walked over to the TV as Marty began playing the tape, and on the appeared the old Doc in front of the DeLorean

Why that's me, look at me I'm an old man! young Doc said as he recognized himself on the screen

On the video The camera zoomed out as 1985 Doc was introducing his experiment, young Doc was surprised that still had his hair, but was curious as to what his outfit was

Thank God, I've still got my hair but what on earth's this thing I'm wearing? Doc asked referring to the outfit his future self had on in the video

This is a radiation suit answered Marty

Radiation suit? Doc repeated "of course, cause of all the fallout from the atomic wars"

Marty then started to fast forward the videotape to find a specific part where Doc explained how the time machine worked as he go through the video looking for that part Doc began to admire the video camera.

This is truly amazing a portable television studio said Doc as held the video camera "no wonder your president has to be actor he's gotta look on television"

This is it, this is the part coming up, Marty play it, play it Chris said to Marty

Marty then started the play the video at the part where Doc told Marty and Chris what powers the time machine they all watched the tv screen as they watched '85 Doc explain it

"Are you telling us that this sucker is nuclear?"

"No, No, No!, this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate 1.21 gigawatts I need"

What did I just say? said Young Doc

Marty then rewinded the tape a bit and played it again

"this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts-

1.21 GIGAWATTS!! yelled Doc "1.21 Gigawatts!, Great Scott!"

Doc then stepped away from the tv and then leaned against the door of the garage in shock, then ran out of door straight to the house.

What the hell is a gigawatt? yelled Marty as he and Chris ran out of the door

Back at the house Doc sat in his living room freaking out, so he went to his portraits on the mantle which were pictures of the four people who inspired him to be a scientist Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, he took the portrait of Thomas Edison from the mantle and started talking to it

How could I have been so careless?, 1.21 Gigawatts?, Tom how am I going to generate that kind of power?, It can't be done can it? Doc spoke to the portrait

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