Chapter 15: The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance

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Saturday November 12th 1955

It was the night of The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance at Hill Valley High School and the gymnasium was all beautifully decorated to look an underwater sea paradise, and everybody there was all nicely dressed and dancing with their dates and there was a band called Marvin Berry and the Starlighters on stage playing an upbeat blues song called "Night Train"

As everyone was dancing and having a good time, George and Chris were standing in the corner of the gym, waiting for their cue, George was dancing to the music as Chris was bopping his head to the electric guitar, to George and everyone else it was the blues, to Chris it was the early workings of rock and roll

Are you nervous, George? Chris asked George

Very nervous, I'm sweating, what if Lorraine doesn't like me? George answered nervously

Are you kidding me she's gonna dig you I know it said Chris

Thanks Chris, that really helped said George

No problem buddy, you wait here I'm going to go get some punch said Chris

Chris then started walking through the crowd to the punch table and on his way he accidentally bumped into a strange guy wearing a leather jacket and a fedora hat

Oh I'm sorry said Chris

That's quite alright, enjoy the dance said the stranger

As he left Chris thought the voice of that stranger sounded pretty familiar, but decided it wasn't important and got himself a cup of fruit punch.

Meanwhile outside in the parking lot, Marty just arrived with Lorraine in the car as Marty found a spot, he parked the car and decided to ask her mother if she wanted to park but was worried she'd be offended by the question as she told him that when she was 17, she never sat and parked a car with a boy

Do you mind if we park for a while? Marty asked Lorraine

That's a great idea I'd love to park Lorraine answered

Huh? Marty answered nervously

Marty, I'm almost 18 years old, it's not like I've never parked before Lorraine said flirting with him

Marty was shocked that his own mother said that, as for years his mother told him and Chris that she'd never chased boys or parked with them, so that he and Chris spent a week getting to know the teenage versions of their parents, they keep finding out things they never knew about them, so that the fact he know knew that his mother had been everything that she said she wasn't, he now saw his mother in a whole new light, Marty was very nervous but tried to look nervous in front of Lorraine

Marty you seem so nervous, is something wrong? Lorraine asked

No, No he answered

When no teacher was looking Lorraine then reached in her purse, she pulled a bottle of liquor and started drinking, Marty noticed this right away and swiped it out of her hand, as he knew that his mother would later go on to be a depressed alcoholic, he had put a stop to his mother's alcoholic tendencies before they began

Lorraine, Lorraine, what are you doing? Marty said as he took the bottle away from her

I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet said Lorraine

Yeah, well you shouldn't drink said Marty trying to stop his mother's drinking before it grew

Why not? Lorraine asked

Because, you might regret it later in life Marty answered

Marty don't be such a square, everybody who's anybody drinks Lorraine said defending her own actions

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