Chapter 5 | Winter

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There seem to be a lot of harmful and dangerous things in the world but if we look deeper, there sure are some healing powers in it. Just like my problems - in my case,bruises- seem to find their remedy in Ezra.

It shouldn't feel so right, yet somehow it does.

Ever since our 'meet-up' on the rooftop, I've been avoiding Ezra. Whenever I see him -which is quite often nowadays- I change my way. Annd most of the time he's surrounded by people so maybe he doesn't notice him.

Now I really, really hope that I won't run into him today because currently, I'm standing in front of his hose. It's a small house located at the end of a neighborhood. As it's far from the rush and commotion of city so it's always peaceful. Just like today.

What if he's home? What if he asks about the marks? What if he asks about my family?

What if he doesn't care? My inner voice spoke that gave me enough confidence to go inside.

Sasha might needs me right now. I can't exactly left her alone. These days, she's my favourite person. She's 9 years old but talks to me as if she were 19.

I go inside and find her laying on the couch in her school uniform. Sasha is the exact copy of her brother, leaving her hair. It's long and has a darker shade of brown. I put my things on a side table and then she sees me.

"Winter!! I was waiting for you. Where did you go?", she said while running towards me to hug me, which I always return. If I don't have joyful moments in my life, why steal others.

"I'm sorry! I had a very important test tomorrow so I stayed in library a little longer without realizing the time.", I lied and mentally ask for her forgiveness because she doesn't need to know the truth. "Now go change your uniform and let me see your homework for today."

On hearing homework, she appears dismissed and seems to forget why I was late today. That's good but right when she is about to pick her bag, she turns to me and asks me excitedly, "What are we going to play today?!"

"Hmm, let's see. What about Robin Hood?"

"Yeah!! Let's play then.", she replied with too much enthusiasm. It takes a little to get happy at this age.

"Okay but first tell me about it!"

"Uhh, he was a hero from England who helped the poor!", she replied me.

"And what would be another word instead of hero?"

"Hmmm. A legend?", she said hesitantly but I assured her that she's right.

"Okay good. And how did he help the poor?"

"By stealing from the rich!!".

"So now tell me where does he used to live?", I asked her hoping that she remembered it as she is soon going to have a History test.

"In Sherwood! I remember it. It's easy, ask me something else."

So I ask her, " Okay than what was the century?

After much thinking she finally said,     "14th century!", and her being her she said loudly as the information hit her. I chuckled because her happiness is contagious.

"That's great! You remember it so well!". She starts to giggle. "Now change your uniform and I'll make something to eat for you, okay?", the way she hunched, I don't think she likes my idea very much, but goes to her room anyways. And I head towards the kitchen to make something for her but finds nothing. Should've bought something with me. Guess I've to sacrifice my bus money for today.

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