Chapter 27 | Winter

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Four years later....

Places remain the same. People change. Houston still has the same streets, neighborhoodsand homes. But I changed.

Seven years ago when I left, I completed my degree and law license in 2 years, practice for 5 years in New York and today, I'm working in the top law firm as a senior lawyer and a legal consultant for a security company. One way or other, I achieved my dream.

It was to serve justice to people like my mother. And I'm surprised how many people try to conceal it. In my early years, I stopped counting how many victims I had to let go after I lost 6 cases.

Later, I improved and improved to stand where I'm today.

Sure, I succeeded in my professional life but lost in my personal life. I changed my surname to Rozaro. It was selfish of me to hold on to Ezra after so many years. But still, there's a part of hope inside me that someday I'll meet him.

Maybe he's seeing someone, maybe he's married. Maybe he's not.

Barely holding on my hope, I enter the same cafe in which me and Ezra had burgers after my father's died.

I came here to meet Sasha. She called me two days ago to tell me to meet her. I didn't care where I was, I came straight to Houston.

I was checking my emails when somebody taps on my table. And there is she.

My hearts seeing her grown up.

"Hi.", I stand up because I don't know if she would be awkward with me. After all, I left years ago. We don't have that bond now.

But she proves me wrong by hugging me.

"I missed you Winter. You have no idea.", she says. "Thanks for coming."

I pats her hair, "Me too, Sasha."

We let go of each other and take our seats.

"So what do you want to eat?", the waitress quickly take our orders and goes away.

"So, how's your life going?"


"What do you mean?", I ask her and I have a bad feeling about it.

"You know, you're a lawyer so I thought you might know about these types of problems which leads me to call you and-"

"What is the problem?" I cut her.

"Actually -", she gazes down and I can tell that she's having trouble saying, "Actually my mom came back."

I frown and she continues, "She came back to us after her husband left us. She's asking for my child support money and hence my custody. Winter, I don't want to go with her. Court is supporting her and I didn't know what to do so I called you. I'm sorry if you were busy-", she starts to ramble like her brother.

"Hey, hey Sasha. It's okay if you called me. Even, I'm glad you called me and don't you worry.", I take her trembling hand in mine, "Everything will be okay, hmm?"

She nods, "That's my girl."

"Thank you, Winter."

"It's my honor that I get to help you. You know, for what you guys did for me.", I give her a small smile and she returns it with a big one.

"And how's Mr. Cassian nowadays?"

She brightens, "Oh dad is great! He retired last year and he's now pursing his career in gardening. You won't even recognize our lawn when you see the house." She chuckles.

I like how she's including me in her future. Still, I'm hesitant to ask her about Ezra.

"And Winter?"

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