Chapter 11 | Winter

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I keep staring at my father's hand which holds this house's documents and also my future.

I guess he is sober today -which is extremely out of the place- because he can read words or should I say, can actually understand something out of the real world.

"What is this?", he said in his usual loud voice.

I didn't flinch this time. Maybe I'm used to it. I know I can leave this hell anything because I'm at a legal age but I don't have enough money to afford any place to stay before starting my law internship.

I realize I haven't answered him yet. So I decided to play dumb.

"What's what?"

"You know what I'm talking about, you fucker.", he says roaring.

I get close enough to him to see the documents but not too much close so that if I had to run from him, I can easily do that. Also I didn't lock the front door.

"How did you get this house under your name?"

Thank God these papers are copy of the original document. Guess that proves he's isn't that sober. I decide to answer his question as it should be answered.

"I'm 21. It's suppose to be under my name by now."

"You! How dare you speak back to me?", he say and advance towards me but stumbles on table.

He curses it and instead of hitting me, he did something which I've foreseen.
He tore the documents. Both my application form and house document.

"Here you go! Now this house is mine. You know what, it was never yours. It is mine and it will forever be mine!", he says and sits on the couch to see TV.

How is he able to afford the bill? Oh right, I'm his scapegoat.

He's just keeping me to pay his bills and to buy him all type of drugs. That is also why he's not letting me go.

Why did mom stay with him for a long time? My aunt told me once that her family was quite conservative. Divorce was frowned upon. Her family would have disowned her if she did it.

In fact, everyone in her family had known about this abusive relationship but no one ever said anything about it. That's why I only had one question to ask her before she died:

"Why wasn't you brave enough?"

But I'll be brave enough now. I have to be brave. For that, I'll become a civil lawyer to get rid of these people who are like a parasite in our society.

I was about to close the door of my room when I hear him say,

"Bring me food right now!"

I indeed give him food. Sometimes I have these negative thoughts to kill him by simply poisoning his food but that would be too peaceful. I believe Karma has better plans for him.


It was 2 a.m in the morning when I heard noises from outside. I always lock my door before sleeping so I decide not to pay attention to it.

Suddenly there is banging at my door. Loud. My heartbeat is matching that noise. Then I hear my father's voice,

"Winter, you fucker, come out! Give me money." Oh, so it's about money.
"I know you have a lot of it, give me some. I'll return you."

I scoff. As if he had given me any before.

Now all of this should end. I packed few clothes of mine, some food, all my cash and my identity card in my bag. When the banging stopped, I assume he is gone. But I was wrong.

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