Small note: Thanks nishurox27 for reminding me of the yin piece at the flower lady I totally forgot about that one. So once again thanks.
🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇The next morning as Lan Zhan awake he looked at Wei Ying's sleeping form and a small smile graces his mouth. His eyes soft and loving. This boy deserves all the love and care in the world he thought to himself. He would anything and everything to make sure that he got it this time around. A second chance means to do better be better and not let anyone and anything stops you from achieving it. He took one last look at the sleeping boy before he stood up and get himself ready for the day. Once done he went downstairs and ordered breakfast asking the inn owner to bring it to the room. He went back up and opened the door. He went over to the bed and starts to wake Wei Ying up that turns out to be harder then he thought. He never knew that Wei Ying is such mission to wake up. He got the urge to kiss him but decided against it. This time when he kisses him he want Wei Ying to know that it is him. Not stealing kisses while Wei Ying are blindfolded again. Shame crept into his heart remembering that scene. He had kissed him without asking his permission and he would not do that again. He shakes his head and the memory away and instead he starts to call his name softly and shaking him just as softly which earns him a groan and a go away I want to sleep. Wei Ying is so cute he thought so he got up thinking he would woke him when the food arrived. He sat down and closed his eyes. He breath in and out slowly matching his breathing with his heart beats as he starts to meditate. He was at it for an hour when he heard a knock on the door. He stood up in one swift move and made his way over to the door. He opened it and there stood the servant with a tray with their breakfast. He took the tray and thanked him before he turn around and close the door. He walked over to the table and put it down before he made his way over to the bed once again. "Wei Ying you must wake up. Breakfast has arrived ". He said. "No I want to sleep. I can eat later". He answered eyes still close.
"Wei Ying we must still get the yin iron from the Lady Florist before Wen Chao get there". Lan Zhan said and that got Wei Ying's attention. He sat up slowly and rub the remaining sleep from his eyes. Cute Lan Zhan thought as he got up and move to the table and set the table with their breakfast. The spicy dishes is for Wei Ying and the plain dishes are for him. He waited until Wei Ying are finished dressing himself and join him at the table. They ate. When they were done and the dishes stacked up on the tray Lan Zhan put it outside the door closes it and came back and sit down."Lan Zhan I hope you have a beautiful and serene poem to serenade her. I tried once and she did not like any of my poems I mean am I not a romantic at heart. She was mean to me. She almost killed before she kicked me out and told me she never wants to see my face again. Haha I can't wait to see her face when I show up there again". Wei Ying said while laughing.
"Wei Ying was there before". Lan Zhan asked a little surprised. "Yeah on my many adventures you know".
"Wei Ying went on adventures". With out me went unsaid of course.
"Ah Lan Zhan that was a long time ago". Wei Ying said as he looks at Lan Zhan wondering to himself. Does Lan Zhan looks sad oh my that's not good." Do not worry Lan Zhan me and you will go on many more adventures together I promise". He said while holding three fingers up. Lan Zhan just nods his head and they stood up and gather their things and went down the stairs and left the inn. Once outside the town they mounted their swords and made their way towards Tanzhou. When they touch down outside the town they immediately made their way towards the garden where the Lady Florist is hoping that they will be able to convince her with a poem to give them the yin iron. When they arrived they looked around and then Lan Zhan asked him." Wei Ying what do we do now". Wei Ying looks around and said." I guess we call her and hope she comes out". "How did you do it last time". Lan Zhan asked him but before he could answer they heard a voice of a woman saying." I thought I told you to never come back here again". Vines grabs Wei Ying by his feet and holds him upside down."Lan Zhan help me and it's not me it's him". He screams. She turns her head towards Lan Zhan and said. "What a beautiful young master unlike you who are a pest and have no understanding for the finer things in life". " Hey who says I don't. Just asked Lan Zhan I do have a understanding for the finer things in life whatever that might means".
"Wei Ying I don't think it would be wise to aggrevate the lady". Lan Zhan says." Lan Zhan on who's side are you. Just remember who is your soulmate here". Wei Ying said feeling very offended now. "The young master is right you better stop. So I guess you are for the yin iron as this pest is back here so it means the two of you had time traveled or just him. Let me hear your poem and if I find it pleasing I will give to you. I'm just glad that it is the two of you and not that arrogant wen boy". She said. " You can do it Lan Zhan. I believe in you". Wei Ying just before he got drop on the ground groaning in pain as he hit the ground thankfully not on his head.

This Time I Will Not Leave Your Side
FanfictionWei Wuxian destroyed the amulet and got torn apart by his corpses. Lan Wanji was told that his soul mate died. Heartbroken he seal his own core and died a few hours later succumbing to his wounds. another time travel fiction characters does not belo...