As Wei Ying and Lan Zhan made their way up the stairs they know that sooner or later they will have to talk about things. There are many things they need to sort out. Yes now they do what they think and feel is the best for them and the Wens. They still needs to face their families in the decisions they have made. The horrors of the past will forever haunts them and there is nothing they can do about it. Their past lives were filled with mistrust, miscommunication, misunderstandings and so much more. Maybe this time they can do better. Be better towards each other. In this life maybe they can be so much more than they had been before. First they have to face what is to come next. Yes they may not be the only ones that had suffered losses so many has in their first life but knowing what they know now they realise that even though those people had not time traveled like them,they still have the potential to turn out the same way. They would rather be by each others side and face whatever may come their way together than alone. When they reached the middle of the steps Wei Ying stops and Lan Zhan stops as well looking at him with a question on his face. "Lan Zhan how are we going to convince Wen Qing?". Wei Ying asked to which Lan Zhan answered. "Empathy". " That can work. So how are we going to convince her to come with us to be able to perform empathy. I mean she is not the most trustworthy person towards strangers. And we are basically strangers to her. We will need to figure something out and fast". Wei Ying said to him. Lan Zhan thought for a minute and said."Wei Ying will think of something". "Why me?. He asked. "Wei Ying knows her best". Lan Zhan answered seriously.
"Really Lan Zhan. That was in our first lives and believe me when I say she is one scary woman. I don't think you should send me. Maybe you can go to her you know seeing that we are in this together". He said hopefully. "I have trust in Wei Ying and that Wei Ying would figure this out. It would not be wise for me to go as I do not know lady Wen that well". He answered him with a serious face and a small frown on his face before he turn and starts to walk again. Wei Ying looked at his retreating back mouth agape and rush after him and whined. "Lan Zhan".They reached the top of the stairs and as soon as they step into view Wei Ying heard Jiang Cheng calling him. " Wei Wuxian where the hell were you?". Jiang Cheng said as he made his way over to them a scowl on his face. " You disappeared for two days and then you had to drag the second young master Lan with you". He so much scream at Wei Ying who looks at him but before he could get a word in Jiang Cheng continues. "Not only that but you made father came all the way here because of your carelessness". He said and Wei Ying said. " Sect Leader Jiang is here. Why?". "You asked why? Why wouldn't he? You up and disappeared or did you forget about that part. Wait till mother hears about this. She's going to skin you alive". He said and at his words Lan Zhan's hand tighten around bichen. He glared at Jiang Cheng with anger in his eyes. Jiang Cheng's screaming had attracted attention and soon the disciples were staring at them. A shiver unconsciously runs through Wei Ying's body at Jiang Cheng last words. Usually he would make a joke and swing his arm around Jiang Cheng shoulder to appease and calm him but this time he could not. He could not bring himself to do it. Instead he asked. " Is the sect Leader still here?". Jiang Cheng looks at him with a frown and said." Yes they are waiting for you and the second young master Lan in Master Lans office. He also wants to skin you alive Wei Wuxian. For once could you not just behave. Bringing shame to our sect and making us losing face infront of the other sects". He turn around without waiting for the two and started walking in the direction of the office. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked at each other and follows him in silence.
The moment they arrived at the office Jiang Cheng knocked and waited until he heard a voice telling him to enter. He opened the door with Lan Zhan and Wei Ying at his back as soon as they stepped inside they bowed in greeting and waited as Jiang Cheng went to his fathers side. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying continue to stand in place Lan Qiren glaring at Wei Ying with disdain and distaste. Fengmian looks at his ward and then said. "A-Xian Master Lan informs me that you were quite a handful since you got here. I know that you are a free spirit but I send you here to learn. He also informs me that you convince young master Lan to some how leave the Cloud Recess without permission. A-Xian I am disappointed in you I did not know that you would be so reckless. If I knew you would cause so much trouble then I would never had let you come". Wei Ying looked down not ready to look at the sect Leader he thought he would never seen alive. The last time he saw, he was dead so he tries to get his breathing under control because right now he does not know if he ever would be ready to look this man in his eyes.
"Wei Wuxian do you have nothing to say for yourself. You have been nothing but trouble since you set foot in the Cloud Recess. No care for our rules. I have told your sect Leader it would be best if he take you back to the YungmiangJiang sect. You have even corrupted my nephew and will not allow someone like you to stay here any longer. You are just Ike your mother. Unruly and have no respect for others". Lan Qiren said angrily at the boy. Lan Zhan's hand grip tightly around bichen at his uncle's words anger evident in his eyes as he looks at man.

This Time I Will Not Leave Your Side
FanfictionWei Wuxian destroyed the amulet and got torn apart by his corpses. Lan Wanji was told that his soul mate died. Heartbroken he seal his own core and died a few hours later succumbing to his wounds. another time travel fiction characters does not belo...