Chapter 5

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Wei Wuxian made his way towards his and Jiang Cheng shared rooms. As soon as he enters he went straight towards his cupboards and took out a qiankun bag and started to put his belongings into it. He stopped for a minute and wonder if he is doing the right thing. Maybe he could go back to the YungmiangJiang sect with sect Leader Jiang. It was always his home even if some days he felt like he did not belong there. He will for sure miss his shijie. She was his everything. There is nothing he would not do for her or Jiang Cheng.  Maybe if he had not Lan Zhan by his side and his support he probably would have gone back. But knowing what he knows now he does not think that lotus pier and the YungmiangJiang sect would ever be the same for him. All he would see there would be the destruction and burning off the place. The deaths of those he loves. The people he could not safe. His shimies and his shidies. How will he face them. How can he face them knowing that it was because of him that they had died. No he can't. He can't go back. He won't be able to face them or shijie. The opening of the door brought him out of his thoughts and there stood sect Leader Jiang and Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng rushed towards him and grab him by his robes shaking him and asked." What are you doing? How can you just defect like this? Do you not care about us? About A-Jie? What are we supposed to tell her? What am I supposed to tell her? Tell me Wei Wuxian?". Wei Ying looks him in his eyes and said." Sect heir Jiang please understand. I am doing this to safe you. To safe lady Jiang. To safe the sect". But Jiang Cheng just got angry at him." Safe the sect. You are abandoning us because you are selfish. Mother was right about. We took you in from the streets and this is how you repay us". Jiang Cheng screams at him while shaking him. The resentful energy started to swirl inside Wei Ying and he closed his eyes for a minute. Taking deep breaths to calm himself. He do not want to do something that he would regret later. He lifts his hands and pulled Jiang Cheng hands from his robes and took a step back. Sect Leader Jiang was watching the whole time not saying anything. Wei Ying looked wondering why did he never notice that this man would never stand up for him. This man instead of stopping the rumor of him being his son had chose to stay silent and in turn let his wife's wrath be taken out on him. How blind he was to think that he matters. That he actually meant something to them but he never did.

Sect Leader Jiang finally step forward and decided to try and change Wei Ying's mind for the last time. "A-Xian you are to young to make such decisions. I can not let you do it. You are my head disciple and the other disciples depends on you. I can not let you become a rogue cultivator at such a young age. Your place is with the sect. That is where you belong. Like A-Cheng said how will we explain this to A-Ling. You know that the madam does not always mean to take things out on you. I know she got a bad temper but you had always rise above it". He said as he lays his hand on Wei Ying's arm. At that moment Wei Ying wanted to cry,scream and shout but instead he just shook his head and shake the man's arm off before he says." Sect Leader Jiang be honest with me. Do you think that I would live a long life within your sect. You say that I'm to young to make my own decisions. If I'm to young to make my own decisions than I am to young to be your head disciple and all the responsibilities that came with it. I have been whipped with zidian more times that I can count and did you at any point tried to stop your wife. Did you at any point thought that I deserved to be hated,berated to be beaten by her with zidian for any small thing that I did. Where were you when I laid in my room covered in blood. Where were you when she did not even allowed me to recover properly before she hits me again". Anger evident in his voice and anger rolling off him. Sect Leader Jiang took a back and said." A-Xian you know that you were always up to no good she only did what she thought was right. She only discipline you as she saw fit". He answered. Wei Ying curled his hands into fist as he looks between father and son and said."So it was fine that she could do anything she saw fit. Even when your own son was at fault. Even when some of the disciples were at fault. I had to be disciplined for their wrong doings. I now carry and bare the marks of their wrong doings. Me the servant who does not deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. And here I wondered if I was doing the right thing. Thank you for clearing it up for me. My decision stands as from this moment I no longer belongs to the YungmiangJiang sect. If you will excuse me I have to go". "Wei Wuxian don't come crawling back to us when you can't make it out there. You ungrateful bastard ". Jiang Cheng scream as he threw his fist out to punch him but Wei Wuxian grab his fist and gave his wrist a twist before he said. "Sect heir Jiang I would rather jumped into the burial mounds than come crawling back to the YungmiangJiang sect. So  do not flatter yourself that I can't survive on my own". Wei Ying pushed him aside and walked past them and out the door. The resentful energy inside him screaming for blood. He needs to get away from here. Away from them. He made his way towards the stairs and started walking down. He needed a drink badly.

Lan Wanji walked into the jingshi and looked around. This was his home. His place of peace of rest. This is where he mourned and cried for his beloved but now it is time to move on because his beloved is alive and he is willing to do anything for him even if it means defying his own family. He closed his eyes for a moment and a memory comes to mind.'Wei Ying come back to Gusu with me'. A tear slip down his face. What would his sect have done if Wei Ying had come back with him? Would they have killed him or handed him over to the other sects? Would he have been able to stopped them then? Or would the outcome had been the same. Wei Ying would've have died just sooner and he probably would have stil been punish. How glad he is now that Wei Ying had refused his offer. He opened his eyes and walked towards the sleeping area. He took out some qiankun bags and only put in what he deemed necessary. He took of his forehead ribbon and looked at it and thought. This had always belonged to Wei Ying since that day in the cold cave. But if he was going to make a clean break from the sect he thinks it would be best to leave it behind. It does not belongs to him anymore. He is no longer a member and he would rather give Wei Ying something more meaningful. Something Wei Ying truly deserves. His thumb caress the Cloud motif for a few seconds before he carefully folds it and put it on the bed beside him. He gave it one last look before he stood up and walked over to where wanji was laying on the low table. He wrapped it in a cloth and put it on his back. He did not take any of his robes because he has no intention of wearing it again. He gave his bedroom one last look before he step out and into the receiving area. There stood his brother looking at him with a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. Lan Zhan sighs softly as he looks at his brother. Xichen asked him." Wanji what is the meaning of this?.Why are you doing this?. I do not understand nor the reason why you would defect from our sect?. Could you please explain to me?". Lan Zhan answers him. "Brother would you believe me when I tell you that once I believe that our sect was righteous. That they would never condemn a person without knowing the facts or the reasons. That they would fight for what's right and what's wrong. But I had to learn the hard way that this sect would rather follow the masses then to stand on their believes. They would believe the words of liars, cheaters,power hungry people over the words of their own. I can no longer be a part of a sect who would rather seek fame then justice. I love you and you would always be my big brother but I made my choice and I am standing on it. Maybe one day you would understand why I made the choices I made today and maybe then we can talk brother but for now I will walk my own path and chose my own way in this world. Goodbye brother". Lan Zhan bow to his shell shocked brother and walked past him out of the door. He walked up the path towards the courtyard hoping to see Wei Ying but he was nowhere in sight. He starts to panic thinking that Wei Ying had left him behind but just then Huaisang came walking towards him and asked." Are young master Lan looking for brother Wei?". Lan Zhan nods his head and then Huaisang said." I saw him walking down the stairs. Maybe he went to Ciayi town. But I don't know I'm only guessing right now". And he fans himself. Lan Zhan looks at him and bow in thanks before he himself made his way towards the stairs  and walked down making his way to town. Huaisang watch him walked away and just then he saw Xichen walking his way the man looks so defeated. He waited until he is in hearing distance before he speaks.
"Xichen-ge are you fine? Is everything fine you look so down?".
Xichen not expecting anyone was given quite a fright but he immediately recovered and said." I am fine thank you A-Sang. I just have alot on my mind. If you would excuse me I have some work to do". Huaisang nods his head and said."Of course". They said goodbye and Huaisang watch him walked away.

As he turns around he saw Sect Leader Jiang leaving with a dissatisfied look on his face and Jiang Cheng face looks thunderous. He really needs to find out what is going on. First brother Wei then Young master Lan left. Xichen-ge looks as if he had received bad news and the two jiangs looks as if they had lost something important. He knows Jiang Cheng. Whatever happened he would need a outlit and what better person to talk to than him. He would let him calm down first before he goes to him. Maybe he should go down to town and buy a few jars of emperors smile just to loosen Jiang Cheng tongue. He nods to himself and made his way also down the stairs to town. Things is happening and he will be damn if he are not in the loop. He leisurely made his way down the stairs. The things he would not do to get the proper information but more importantly for his friends. He is such a good friend even if he had to say so himself. A small smile playing on his lips.

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