The studies at the Cloud Recess continues but since Wei Ying was not there to defend Yanli's honor against the words of Jin Zixuan it was in the end Jiang Cheng who had punched him and because he was still angry and frustrated with Wei Ying leaving just like that not even a second thought of leaving him and his sister. He laid punch apon punch on the Jin sect heir. He had to be pulled of the boy by three Lan disciples in the end when Lan Qiren walked in he demand to know what had happened and after being told he informs the two boys that he have no choice but to I form their fathers of this. Jin Zixuan was taken to the healers and so was Jiang Cheng. Lan Qiren went to his office and wrote the two letters too the two sect leaders. A soft knock was heard on his door and he gave permission for the one too enter seeing it is Xichen he waves him over after he had greeted his uncle. Lan Qiren poured them both some tea and they drank it in silence. Once they were done they put their cups down and Lan Qiren asked his nephew if there was anything he could do for him.
"Uncle what happened between the Jin sect heir and the Jiang sect heir. I heard that there was a fight". Lan Qiren sighs softly as stroke his beard. "Apparently the Jin sect heir had disrespected lady Jiang and he brother was not to please. I have inform their fathers about the incident. They will probably be here in the next two days. Have you heard anything from Wanji again".
"No I haven't uncle and nobody knows where he is". Xichen answered. "I see. I never thought that he would do this. He was such a good boy and disciple. I never should have included that boy in this years study ar the Cloud Recess than none of this would have happened". Lan Qiren said. Xichen did not answer because he was the one that encouraged their friendship in the first place. Maybe if he knew this would have happened he never would have pushed his brother in becoming friends with Master Wei but instead he asked his uncle." Will they be expell from the studies". Lan Qiren looked thoughtful before he answers." No they will just be asked to kneel and reflect on their actions".
Xichen nods his head in understanding. The both sat in silence for a while before Xichen stood up and bow to his uncle before he leaves. He stood for awhile in front of the door before he decides to walk around the grounds and that's when he saw Huaisang sitting under one the trees alone so he made his way over to him. When he came near he cleared his throat lightly and Huaisang looked up from behind his fan and snap it close and gave the sect heir a small smile before he asked." Xichen-ge how are you doing?". Xichen smile and said.
"I am fine thank you. And you A-Sang how are you doing. I must missed master Wei the two of you were or are friends right?". A-Sang thought for a moment before he answers. " Yes we are. I miss him very much. Since he left this place has became like a graveyard. No offense Xichen-ge but it has". Xichen nods his head fondly. It's the truth master Wei had brought sunshine and chaos to the Cloud Recess that's for sure." Do you mind if I sit here next to you?". He asked A-Sang who shakes his head and scoots over making place for Xichen to sit." I miss Wanji so much. I do not even know where he is and if he is fine. I still do not understand what could have brought on the sudden change in him. Maybe I never should have pushed him to become friends with Master wei". Xichen said with a faraway look in his eyes and A-Sang could not help but say. "Xichen-ge do you really think that Lan Wanji would have allowed himself to be influenced by Wei Wuxian because I do not think so. It sounded as if you are blaming Wuxian for Lan Wanji's decisions that he had made. Do you not think it wrong. Blaming someone else for your brother leaving the sect. Wuxian has been through so much to be blamed once again for another's choices". Xichen looked at him with a hint of shame.
" A-Sang I did not mean it like that. It's just that Wanji had never gone against me or uncle ever. He always did that told to him or expected". A-Sang shakes his head and said.
"It sounded to me that you meant it exactly like that. Maybe he had grown up and realise that there is more to life than being the perfect nephew and brother and disciple. Maybe he got fed up of being told what he should or shouldn't do. What he can do or can not. Really Xichen-ge you may not do it directly but you just as your uncle and Jiang Cheng. You all are blaming Wuxian. I hope none you forget that he is always just a human being with feelings with heart and he also gets hurt by words and actions. Excuse I need to go". With that he stood up and walked away leaving xichen in shock. He soon stood up and made his way too the jingshi. He walked inside and looked around. "I miss you didi where are you. Did I hurt you knowingly or unknowingly. Please come home this place is not the same without you". He stood their for awhile before he turn and leave sliding the door shut behind him. He walked back towards his hanshi and sliding the door open he walked inside and walked over to the shelf and took out the talismans that Wanji had send him. "Wanji is something coming. Will something happen to the Cloud Recess? I wish I could asked you? I will try my best to convince uncle and the elders to use these because I know you would not have send them if it was not important ". He put them back again and just sat there staring at nothing.Two days later sect Leader Jin and sect Leader Jiang arrived and upon hearing what had happened between the two sect heirs the engagement between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan was called of. Sect Leader Jiang was disappointed in his son for causing such unnecessary trouble. He knows if Wei Wuxian was here he would have been able to take the brunt. His lady will not be please with this outcome that he can guarantee. He told his son to gather his things and to tell the other disciples the same. Soon they left and Jin sect Leader. Huaisang watch them leave thinking that now some sort of peace would come to the Cloud Recess. He really misses his friend but as off yet was unsuccessful in finding him. He and Lan Wanji had left the inn and now he does not know where they went. If there is one thing he knows is that he must be patient they will show themselves sooner or later and then he will have a sit down with them. If something is about to happen he has to make sure that his brother and sect are safe. He turns and made his way to his dormitory. He will have to send out more birdies. He knows that the Wen is watching the Cloud Recess he has seen Wen Chao's owl flying around and that only means one thing. They are looking for something within the Cloud Recess. The Wen siblings has also left making up an excuse about the brothers health but he knows that it's something else. To many things are happening to quickly which makes it worth to investigate. He enters his dormitory slides the door open and walked inside before sliding the door close again. He walked over to the window and opened it he softly whistles and one of his birds came flying towards him. He let it landed on his hand before he whispers something in his ear and let it flew off again. He stood there for awhile before he closes the window again walked over to the low table and took out a jar of emperor's smile he poured himself a cup lifts it up and said. " To you my friend hope I will see you soon". Then he drinked it poured himself another and another before he stopped and put the jar in its hiding place. He went and lay down on his bed and closes his eyes. Resting for a bit classes will only resumes tomorrow anyway. Soon he drifts of to sleep.
The Jiang arrived at lotus pier and as soon as they stepped into the sect all hell break loose. Madame Yu was furious at her husband for breaking the engagement of her daughter and Jin heir. The more he tries to explain that it is for the best and that he wants his daughter to marry for love. Jiang Cheng also was not sparred. He should know that he is a sect heir and should not have behave like that. Even Wei Wuxian was blamed because in the end it was all his fault if he have been there and done what he was raised to do than their sect would not have lost face and being shame upon. Jiang Cheng's ire and anger just build more and more against Wei Wuxian. 'Mother is right if he had been there nothing of this would've happened. I would not have needed to punch that peacock because he should've been the one to do it. Yanli was very sad and she went to her chambers and cried. She misses A-Xian so much atleast he would have comforted her and tell her that all would work out in the end. But he is not here and she will probably never see him again ever.

This Time I Will Not Leave Your Side
FanfictionWei Wuxian destroyed the amulet and got torn apart by his corpses. Lan Wanji was told that his soul mate died. Heartbroken he seal his own core and died a few hours later succumbing to his wounds. another time travel fiction characters does not belo...