Chapter 20

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The decision to make the Celestial Mountain their permanent home was an easy one. The cultivation world could offer them no more, nor do they wish to be a part of it anymore. To much had happened, and the only thing they care about now is their two sons and their family. Boashan received the news with tears of happiness and a joyful heart. Also, Lan Jingyi's sword giving ceremony was coming up.

Preparations were in full swing. They had sent out invitations to Lan and Nie. In the meantime, A-Zhan and Wei Ying were diligently working on the next addition to their little family. Which also meant that Wei Ying would be too sore to walk or help with anything and needed to be carried around off course by the culprit who had no mercy on his poor husband's peach.

Boashan Sanren on these days just pretended that she didn't see anything, nor did she ask any questions. Well, by now, everyone knows what it meant when Wei Ying are being carried around by his smug looking husband and being catered on hand and foot. Wen Qing was considering the possibility to relocate as far away as possible from the two shameless husbands. The boys and Wen Ning were keeping themselves busy on the training grounds.

Two months had passed, and finally, it was the swords ceremony, and Lan Jingyi was the happiest. He was walking around with a big and happy smile. The Lan and Nie had arrived a week before the ceremony. They were all gathering in ancestral hall of the Celestial Mountain as Boashan Sanren and A-Zhan were standing in front of them as Lan Jingyi were kneeling in front of his great grandmother and father.His Baba, brother, and family are looking on with proud looks on their faces.

A-Zhan handed his son his sword, and Lan Jingyi took it with both his hands. He looked at his father and great-grandmother with a big smile on his face before he stood up and turned around facing his family. Wei Ying and the others stood up to congratulate him. When he suddenly felt dizzy and black spots were dancing in front of his eyes. He also felt a little bit unsteady of his feet as he grabs for the nearest person to steady himself.

"Baba, are you fine?. Is something wrong?."

He heard Sizhui's voice before everything went black, and he felt his body falling to the ground. Sizhui caught his Baba just in time and slowly lowered themselves to the ground as everyone rushed over to them.

"Wei Ying opened your eyes."

A-Zhan said worriedly. Wen Qing pushed through them all and kneeled next to Wei Ying's body. She silently took his wrist in hers and sent a small string of spiritual energy into him. Jingyi, by now, had kneeled next Sizhui worry written on all of their faces as the watch Wen Qing and then Wei Ying, who looked like death.

"Is Baba dying?."

Jingyi asked, close to tears, and everyone looked at him confused.

"What gave you that idea, Jingyi?. Of course, Baba isn't dying."

Sizhui said as he shook his head lightly.

"Well, it sure looks like it?."

Jingyi said, and A-Zhan looked at his youngest son and said in a stern but worried voice.

"Lan Jingyi, that's enough."

Offened, he snapped his mouth close just as Wen Qing looked up and let Wei Ying's arm down gently. She looked at A-Zhan and the boys before she said.

"I guess congratulations is in order,
A-Zhan. "

At first, he had a confused look on his face before Wen Qing's words took root. A small smile grazes his face, and just as everyone else wants to congratulate him, Lan Jingyi starts wailing as he throws himself on Wei Ying.

"I knew it Baba don't go, please. I promise I will listen from now on. Baba, don't leave us here alone."

He said through his tears, and Sizhui pulled him up and said.

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