Family Reunion

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Wei Ying and Wei Zhan could not wait to see their sons and family.They have been gone from them for far too long. Their family are finally safe, and they can now live truly live their lives in peace. As soon as they arrived at the bottom of the mountain, they walked through the barrier. Wei Ying took off running as A-Zhan also quickened his steps. Wen Qing and Boashan shook their heads with fond smiles on their faces. They themselves are glad to be back home and seeing their families again.

"A-Yuan.  Jingyi. Your baba and a-die are back."

Wei Ying screams off the top of his  lungs. He had missed his babies so much. The two boys who were busy playing with the other kids while Wen Ning kept an eye on them whipped their heads when they heard their babas voice. They jumped up and started running when they caught a glimpse of his black and red robes.

"Baba. A-die, we missed you so much."

The two screamed back and rushed into their parents' arms. A-Zhan and Wei Ying caught them when the two boys launched themselves at them. They crushed them in a bear hug. The family of four stood like that for a long while. Savoring every moment. Boashan and Wen Qing had caught up with them and watched the family as the Wei Ying planted kisses all over the two boys' faces.

Wen Ning walked over to his sister, and she pulled him into a hug. She let go and let her watchful eye roam over him. Wen Ning started to feel small under her eye, and he said.

"Jie, I am fine, really. Everyone is fine."

He assured her, and she nodded her head.

"Just making sure A-Ning. "

She says and smiles at her little brother as they turn and look at the family of four.

Wei Ying held the boys at arms length.

"You both have grown so much. Look A-Zhan. A-Yuan is almost as tall as me, and look at my little baby Jingyi. He grew just as tall. I am never leaving the two of you again. I have missed a whole inch of your growth. Oh, my poor heart. My babies have outgrown my lap. A-Zhan, whatever will I do when they start getting interested in girls."

Wei Ying proclaimed loudly as he laid his hands over his heart and pretended to fall just so A-Zhan could catch him. Which he did, of course, to Wei Ying's delight.

"Baba, don't be so over dramatic. For someone who had supposedly missed us so much. You sure fell quickly into a-dies arms instead of hugging your sons again."

Jingyi said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his baba. Boashan and the two siblings burst out with laughter, and Sizhui just smiles.

"A-Zhan, did you hear your son. He has even grown disrespectful towards his baba, who carried him for nine months. The one who is responsible for me losing my figure. A-Zhan, you know how sexy and irresistible I was in my younger years. Not even A-Yuan could disfigure me who knew that the one whom I gave my all to would treat me like this. How will I ever be able to bear this pain in my heart and soul."

Wei Ying dramatically said, and Jingyi looked at his baba very offended, and he made it known.

"Baba, how can you say something like that. Take it back. Take everything back now. How come everything is my fault? I didn't even do anything. Right A-Die."

A-Zhan looked his son in the eyes and said.

"Jingyi is Wei Ying's son."

Both baba and son looked at him with sporting offended looks before the whole family started laughing.

"Serves you right, Wuxian."

Wen Qing said, and another spout of laughter rang out.

"Great grandmother, when will I get my sword. I have practiced every day. I think I am ready to get my own sword."

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