Chapter 15

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The Wen were finally safe, and they could start breathing again. But with so that had been so much already and Wen Rouhan who were furious when his niece and nephew did not return and then finding out that all the dafan wen were gone set him off. He ordered Wen Zhuliu to hunt down Yue Yang and kill him and bring him the yin iron piece that he possesses. With two pieces now and the knowledge of what it can do, he starts his plans of attack.

The world around went on not knowing what Wen Rouhan is planning and if they do or have an inkling of an idea. They kept it to themselves. They do not wish to poke the bear. Maybe if they had paid closer attention. Maybe if they did not turn a blind eye to so many things happening around them. Then, so many things could have been avoided. So many lives could have been saved.

Having their family save and sound Wei Ying and Lan Zhan turns their attention to what's to come. But what they did not realise is that with them already had changed so much that things won't go exactly like it did in their first lives. First, they found out that A-Yuans parents died during one of Wen Rouhan's experiments. They never had a son. It broke their hearts, and Wei Ying could not stop crying. Lan Zhan had to comfort him. Wen Popo had laid a hand on their shoulders and told them that the couple could not conceive no matter how hard they had tried. But it still did not sooth the pain in their hearts. Wen Qing understand. They knew a little boy that none of them got to meet, and she herself felt a bit of sadness in her heart. But despite it all, they were happy, and as long as their family are safe, then it is all well. Huaisang, Xichen, and Sect leader Lan would visit from time to time. Bringing them news or just in sect Leader Lans case getting to know his youngest son better. They slowly started to build a relationship between them, and it made Wei Ying very happy.

As the weeks turned into months and eventually a year. Wen Rouhan made his move eventually but it is not what Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had expected it would be. No instead of attacking the Cloud Recess, the Unclean Realm and then Lotus Pier which was burned to the ground. He attacked all the sects at once. The Wen army was no small feat and with him creating fierce corpses it was even bigger. Unprepared and not expecting it. The sects got the shock of their lives. No one was spared not even the Jin sect. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had an idea that some things would change but this one is to drastic of a change. The Cloud Recess was impenetrable due to the talismans Lan Zhan had sent. It saved many lives. The Unclean Realm were ready for a attack to some exchange and many lives could be safe. The Jin Guangshan who did not expect his so called friend to attack him. Suffered many losses. But the sect just like before suffered the most. The sect Leader died. His wife got her golden core crushed and their son got his crushed partially due to his father. The daughter was not there at the time. The Lan and Nie worked together driving the Wen soldiers back giving them time to start campaigning for the smaller sects to help with the upcoming war. They did not need to do much cause everyone had suffered greatly.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan joined soon after. Offering their help with the war. Mingjue and Xichen were glad for there help but not everyone felt the same way about it. And it was known throughout the camp that the Jiang sect heir despises Wei Wuxian. He also blamed him for the burning of lotus pier. His mother's golden core and the death of his father. Doesn't matter how many times people who'd say that he can't blame Wei Wuxian for their misfortune he just did not care. Wei Ying did not pay him no mind. Nor did he care what the sect heir say or what his twisted mind make him to believe. On more than one occasion he had to stop Lan Zhan from attacking the sect heir. Wei Ying did not wish to display his power but he and Lan Zhan knew that it was inevitable. With Wen Rouhan using resentful energy. Wei Ying is the only one who can stop him.

The war did not drag on for long. Eight months to be exact. By then everyone knew about Wei Ying. This time around Mingjue did not get captured. Wen Rouhan was at last killed by Qinghen-Jun. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan killed Wen Zhuliu. Wen Chao tried to escaped but was killed by Xichen. Wen Xu was killed by Mingjue. The rest of the soldiers fell quickly after that. Victorious and high on their accomplishments a banquet was held at the sun palace. The host of course the one who had hide himself away. Jin Guangshan. The spoils of the war was shared amongst the sects. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan did not want anything and they left. Meng Yao was still excepted by Jin Guangshan and became Jin Guangyoa.

Finally being able to pick up the pieces and start a new life together. Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying his hand in marriage. But not before asking the Wen of course. They are after all Wei Ying's family. They had a small intimate wedding with only their family, Lan Zhan's father and brother and of course Huaisang. They would not have it any other way. They soon after got the suprise of their lives when Wei Ying fell pregnant. Happiness spread through the family upon hearing the news. Nine months later their little radish A-Yuan was born. A healthy boy. Two years later another suprise and they had their second son. Jingyi.
They lived the life they always dreamed off with their family.
Some people were already planning to disrupt said happiness.


Short and boring I know.

From the next chapter onwards things will change. Expect a significant time skip coming up.

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