Chapter 40

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The next day I woke up and put on some clothes (pic at the top ) , did my hair and makeup and that's pretty much it .

I walked down stairs to see the only person awake was Connor. He was sitting on a stool with his MacBook on the island , scrolling through tumblr and sipping his coffee . The usual .

" hey Connor . You want some eggs and bacon?"

" sure , thanks "

I made eggs and bacon for him and I and decided that I would make some more when everyone else woke up .

Later everyone else woke up and decided to go to Denny's . Connor and I stayed behind because we had just eaten . Which gave us just enough time to plot a few pranks .

We put plastic wrap on all the toilets except his , mine, jenn, and Andreas , because it would be kinda weird for the girls . But for jenn and Andrea we baked cookies with habanero sauce in them . The last prank for everyone was just a water balloon and water gun fight . We were nice enough to hide some guns and balloons around the house JUST INCASE this turned into a war so people could have weapons .

Right when we they got home jc, Kian , Ricky , and Sam said " OMG WHAT A MEAL I NEEDA TAKE A LEAK " and they all ran upstairs . Connor and I looked at eachother with mischievous faces and agreed to offer jenn and Andrea the cookies right now so they didn't suspect anything .

" hey guys we made cookies you want some ? " Connor asked .

" sure. Thanks guys" jenn and Andrea said and took a massive bite . Just as they took the bite all the boys yelled " WHAT THE FUCK ". And Andrea and jenn yelled " HOLY SHIT AHHHHHH AHHHHHH AHHH GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF" they spit the cookies out and all the guys came running downstairs drenched with piss on themselves and Connor and I looked at eachother and knew it was time to run . We grabbed our guns and balloons and pounced . It was a hot day so this was gonna be fun.

The boys started chasing us and jenn and Andrea were close behind after they recovered . On the way there , Sam and Ricky found water guns and jc found balloons .

Connor and I departed , he went into his room and locked the door and I went into a secret attic I found in my rooms bathroom which was very big and spacious. I was gonna decorate this someday .anyways , no one knew about this room , so this was gonna be fun.

A/N: hey guys so , new cover! It might not be as good as the other one, since my friend made the other one but I was just getting bored of it . So there SHOULD be am outfit to the top but if there isn't I'll try to figure it out .

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