Crisis at Rito Village

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Dedicated to:

TW: Death, Starvation, and very sad.

Warning: Spoilers for TotK's Rito Village Phenomena.

TBB/Zelda TotK Crossover.

I have to warn you. This is very sad.

"I can't believe I'm travelling with you!!!" Omega cried, skipping along the road with her brother while he was on horseback. "Though I did not expect to be going somewhere cold."

Omega was 14 now. She had been dropped off by the Bad Batch. She was still too young to go on some missions, so instead of her sitting, bored out of her brain, she asked to help Tech.

"Link said he was heading to Rito Village and I wanted him to meet you," Tech said.

"Is Link a good guy?" Omega asked.

"Yes. He times...but he's a good friend," Tech answered.

"Right. Why is so cold? I mean, we're no where near the mountain!" Omega exclaimed, putting her Rito gear on.

"I don't know," Tech said, looking over at the village in the distance. His eyes went wide when he saw the village covered in snow. He pulled Omega up on the horse before snapping the reins to go fast. "We need to go."


Upon arrival, Tech was horrified by what he saw. Children walked around the village, looking sad and weak. There were no adults in sight. What's more is it was so cold that no plants or crops were able to grow. All of them were withered and dead.

"Are you okay?" Omega asked one of the passing kids.

"So hungry..." she muttered.

"Have you seen a man with blonde hair around here?" Tech asked the poor girl.

"Talking...with...the...Elder..." she managed to say.

"Here. Share it with the other kids here," Omega said, handing the girl two steaming bowls of Hearty Soup. "It should give you back your health and strength for awhile."

"Thank you," the girl said, walking off.

Tech felt a pang of sadness enter his heart. The Rito were starving and he couldn't do anything about it. He heard the wind whistle the sad tune of the village in his ears.

Frozen Rito Village - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom OST.

He marched up the stairs with Omega following close behind him. He kept going and looking until he saw a man with golden blonde hair talking to his old pal...Teba.

"Tulin!" Tech heard Teba shout.

He faintly saw a white blur leaving the village.

"I'm sorry you had to walk in on that, Tech," Teba said, not turning around. "I'm sorry you have to see us like this."

"What...happened?" Tech asked.

"The Upheaval. That's what happened. We saw the Castle rise high in the sky before a giant whirlwind of clouds came along and formed a blizzard. Rito that have dared to go close to it have reported seeing ships flying outside and inside the whirlwind," Teba said. "The adults left to hunt for food. We had people shifting food to us via wagon, but our bridge broke. Now we have no way of getting food and no builders can repair the bridge during this blizzard. Rito have had to fly the food here, but even with the help, the food was still severely scarce."

"I'm so sorry," Tech said.

"We had the children take care of the village and my wife and I are the only adults here. We protect the children from dangerous threats. Many of us have...died. I'm not sure how much of a help we will be in your search for Zelda. I'm sorry," Teba said.

"It's fine. Zelda can wait. What matters now is keeping the Rito from going extinct. I will visit the camp where the adults are," Tech said, moving to the edge of the landing pad. "Omega. Cook meals from our ingredients and feed these kids. Make sure to make them share. We need our ingredients to hold our until Link can do something about this blizzard."

Omega nodded, watching Tech jump of the edge and paraglide down to the camp.

"Where is the kitchen?" Omega asked.

"Follow me," Saki said, leading the way to the kitchen.


Upon arrival, Tech felt the sadness increase. He found mothers and fathers who had left their kids to hunt for food. Neither child nor parent knew if they'd see each other again.

"The Elder's son!" He heard someone cry. "Why does he always rush off?! Teenagers these days."

Tech walked around. Most Rito were surprised to see a non-Rito around. Most people would most likely freeze, but Tech's powers kept him warm. He couldn't bear to even go near the makeshift hospital. From what he saw, there were men and women there...unable to move. Too weak from not eating anything in days, possibly weeks.

He looked away and two Rito Warriors brought out a table with someone on it. They had a cloth over them. They were probably on their way to be buried. How many Rito had died?

"Can I help you, sir?" A voice asked.

"Uh...I...came to check up on you guys..." Tech said.

"Well...we're as good as we're gonna be," the Warrior replied.

" many have..." Tech started to ask, feeling so upset and scared to ask the question. "...died?"

"," the Warrior said. "1 of those being a kid."

Tech wished he had never asked. A kid had died. He has to stop this. He has to keep these people fed until Link stopped the blizzard.

"I'm gonna feed you. I'll get the food across and more," Tech said, before running off.

"Wait! How?!" The Warrior asked, but Tech was gone.

He teleported food back and forth, acting as the bridge and collected food. He would keep doing this, even if it wore him down. He couldn't let anyone die.

Not on his watch. 

Guys! If you have any requests! Let me know!!!!!!


Zelda or The Bad Batch...or a crossover between the two.

I know this was sad, but I hope you enjoyed it. I've been thinking of doing it for awhile now. I'm sorry if I made your hearts ache.

I have a little announcement to make: I'm going to be working on One-Shots a little more for a little while. It's just I've been so busy and school goes back soon and I think writing One-Shots is easier than writing a whole book. You will get chapters of the other books, but less often. I just need to sort my stuff out and get back on the right track for school.

I don't wanna be a failure at school, but just to be clear, I'M NOT LEAVING! I PROMISE!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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