Fear PT2

23 3 8

TW: Gore (No Violence), descriptions of surgery. M14+

NOTE: I am not a medical expert.


Everything was muffled through Hunter's ears. The searing pain of the bullet wound was so intense that Hunter just wanted to close his eyes and never wake up. Through his blurry vision, he could make out his fixed Power Dampening Cuff on his wrist.

So that's why I'm in control he thought.

He felt his head being placed on a soft pillow and then everything went numb and black...


"He's fallen unconscious!" Tech cried, pulling Hunter's hair out of the ponytail, letting his silky dark-brown hair spread out across the pillow.

Tech hooked his injured brother up to monitors and a Nasal Cannula.

"We have to get that bullet out," Mariam said, watching as Tech got the surgical equipment out and began to glove up and put on his apron and mask.

"Mariam, X-Ray where the bullet is," Tech ordered.

Mariam did as she was told and gasped as she saw how close the bullet was to Hunter's heart.

"We have to get him to hospital!" Mariam said.

"No! They'll pick up his magical powers," Tech said. "I can do this."

"Are you serious?!" Mariam asked.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Tech asked calmly.

"How are you so calm right now?!" Mariam asked, full on panicking.

"Being panicked doesn't help Hunter at all. If I do this with a panicked mind, he will die," Tech said. "You'll be my guide."

Suddenly, Hunter's eyes fluttered open. "Tech?"

"Hunter? I need to get that bullet out. Do you trust me?" Tech asked.

Hunter weakly nodded, gasping in pain.

"I am so sorry," Tech said, pushing the equipment that he was using into the hole in Hunter's chest.

Mariam stroked Hunter's forehead as he tried not to move too much. Tech pushed deeper and deeper, looking up at the X-Ray to check how close he was to the bullet, careful to avoid any vital things inside Hunter. Blood was flowing out of the wound, which didn't help at all.

"Goddesses..." Mariam said, trying not to look.

Eventually, Tech got ahold of the bullet, and tried his best to pull it out.

"This is gonna hurt a lot. It's stuck. I have to yank it out," Tech said. "On three..."

Hunter gritted teeth.


Hunter screamed as Tech pulled upwards, yanking the bullet out, still cautious not to damage anything. He then stitched the wound.

And that was when things started to go off the rails.

The heart monitor started beeping frantically as Hunter went unresponsive.

"Hunter!" Mariam cried. "Tech! What's going on?!"

"I don't know!" Tech cried.

Then Hunter flatlined. Tech let out a string of curses as he tried to do CPR...nothing was working.

"He's gone," Mariam whispered, sniffling.

Tech, in a desperate attempt, created a spark of electricity on his fingers and went to shock Hunter.

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