Come on

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This is a short story and it's sad.

TW: Death, Violence and Gore

Dedicated to: dinoosawr

"So...we're all here," Daniel said, sword in hand.

"Stand down Daniel," Tech said, circling him with Omega.

Omega looked at Tech, and he nodded. She moved closer to Daniel, bow drawn. While Daniel was distracted with Omega, Tech took his chance. He grabbed his regular arrows and shot one, but Daniel, even while not looking, caught the arrow. Tech growled.

"It's thought I was distracted by her..." Daniel said. "Speaking of her..."

Daniel spun around so fast, and jabbed the arrow that Tech had fired into the middle of Omega's abdomen. She gasped and struggled to breathe as Daniel pushed the arrow in further.

"NO!" Tech screamed.

"My debt is done," Daniel said, before running off.

"OMEGA!" Tech screamed, as she fell to the floor, spasming in pain. Tech ran toward her, before kneeling down beside her. "'ll be okay! Just hang in there! Stay with me!"

Tech picked her up gently, blood beginning to dribble out of her mouth. He put her on his motorbike and rode towards the hospital, disregarding traffic rules.

"HELP!" Tech screamed as he placed Omega down on an examination bed in the hospital. "WE NEED HELP!"

By now, Omega was unconscious. Tech removed his hands from underneath her, alarmed by the amount of blood staining his hands, and held her hand as Doctor Hemlock ran in, alarmed and confused. When he saw Omega's unconscious body on the bed, he rushed over to her and started to examine in.

"I need a medical team in examination room 5 immediately. I've got a woman who's in critical condition. Pierced by an arrow, losing blood fast," Hemlock said into the walkie-talkie he carried. "I need you to go," he said to Tech.

"What? I'm not leaving her!" Tech said.

"Go!" Hemlock said. "I can't do my job if you're here!"

"Why not?" Tech asked as a medical team rushed in.

"Please Tech...I know you're worried...but she doesn't need distractions...she needs a medical team," Hemlock said.

Tech reluctantly agreed and ran out. He sat in the waiting room while Hemlock regularly kept him updated. The rest of Omega's family had arrived too.

Hemlock was on his break, so he decided to see how Tech was.

"It's my fault," Tech said.

"Why?" Hemlock asked.

"I...I shot the arrow at Daniel...I knew he could catch it, but I thought since he was distracted maybe...I could...hit him, but he caught it and stabbed it into Omega," Tech said. "It's my fault."

"No...its not..." Hemlock said. "She'll say that."

"She might not," Tech said. "She might blame me."

"We're talking Omega. The girl who despite all the stuff she went through, kept that big smile she wears so well on her face...and it was true, not a mask. Tech, she would never hold a grudge. I expected for her to punch me out when I showed up at her house that day...I expected for her to not believe that I had changed, but she sat there and listened, holding a cup of coffee, sipping it lightly, talking quietly...she had no anger or resentment in her voice whatsoever. She hadn't held a grudge. I was surprised that you were the one to hold the grudge," Hemlock said.

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