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TBB/Zelda Crossover

Zelda watched as her and Echo walked through the misty terrain of Eriadu. It had been a few hours since Tech had fell, but they had to find something.

Twilight had sniffed the cable that Tech was attached to, and was now leading them through the woods, following Tech's scent.

Either Tech was alive, or someone was dragging him around. They didn't really need Twilight, as they were basically following a trail of blood, but it was just in case.

They continued for a little longer before Zelda gasped. She rushed over to Tech's body. She ripped his helmet off and pressed her fingers against his neck.

"Please...come on," She said.

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, thump.

"We need to get him out of here," Zelda said.

Echo nodded and helped her carry Tech's broken and dying body back to the ship. She scanned Tech, hoping to find out the extent of his injuries.

Zelda pressed her hand over her mouth as she read what the Sheikah Slate said.

"He's got multiple lacerations from twigs and rocks. His ribs are all broken, and his got a partially collapsed lung. He's also got internal bleeding and a severed spine," Zelda said.

"I mean, that's pretty good for someone who fell 4km," Echo said, trying to be positive.

"Pretty good?" Zelda asked.

"Try dead!" Echo said.

"We're not going to be able to save him...he's too far gone. Hyrule's technology isn't advanced enough," Zelda sadly said.

"No...he'll make it! He has to!" Echo protested.

"The Shrine of Resurrection," Zelda said.

"You mean the place where Link slept for 100 years?!" Echo asked. "You're crazy!"

"Link was dead! For a good day or two! Healing wounds won't take anywhere near as long as a resurrection!" Zelda said.

Echo sighed and nodded.


Tech was dangerously close to death by the time the ship landed on the Great Plateau in Hyrule. Zelda could see the Temple of Time clearly, so they weren't far off from the Shrine of Resurrection.

They rushed Tech to the shrine quickly, pushing the bed he was on up the hill and into the shrine where Purah was waiting.

"Are you sure about this Princess?" Purah asked, watching as they lowered Tech into the bed of the shrine.

"Yes," Zelda said.

Everyone knew of the risks, but they all wanted Tech to live. Link had never been on this end of the procedure, so he was kinda curious.

"Alright...well, we'll have 2 minutes to get out before the doors close," Purah said, as she began to start up the machine.

Water began to pour into the bed, covering Tech's body...and a pair of arms put a breather in Tech's mouth.

"Like a Bacta Tank," Hunter said.

"Go!" Purah yelled as everyone made a dash for the final door.

The doors began to close, but everyone made it out before the doors shut.

"Why does it do that?" Wrecker complained.

"These doors are reinforced steel. Nothing could get through these!" Hunter exclaimed.

" does this to protect the patient from harm. These doors have micro sensors built into them. If someone tries to break into will alert the Sheikah immediately. With the amount of doors, it should keep the danger out until someone gets here," Purah said.

"Clever," Hunter said.

"I know. I made it," Purah said.

Zelda watched as Hunter walked off. He obviously needed time to himself, so she let him run off.


Hunter sighed as he sat down on the hill. He watched as the sun set, casting a shadow on the Temple of Time. The sun made the sky look like it was bleeding. He hadn't been to Hyrule that much, but it was truly beautiful. Just like Tech had said.

He tried to steer his thoughts away from Tech, but he couldn't. His head was pounding, so he closed his eyes and listened.

He listened to the birds chirping; the wind blowing, the water flowing and splashing, the monsters grunting. He listened to the leaves fall; the beating of his heart, his steady breathing, the growing of his stomach. He opened his eyes and chuckled. He looked around and spotted an apple tree.

He walked over and shook it hard, watching as five apples fell. He picked them up and went back to give them to his team mates, saving one for himself.

"Now all we do is wait," Zelda said.

Hunter nodded and sighed.


It had been six months since they had put Tech in the Shrine of Resurrection, but finally, he was waking up. The team had also rescued Crosshair and picked up a new friend called Emerie. Purah opened the doors with the slate and they watched as the water drained from the bed. Tech began moving. He groaned as he sat up.

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around.

"You're in the Shrine of Resurrection," Zelda said.

"Who are you?"

Zelda's smile fell. "Surely's only six months."

" you remember anything?" Hunter asked.

"'s all coming back...I're Link...Zelda...Hunter...Wrecker...Echo...Phee...Purah...Crosshair...Crosshair..." Tech said. "Crosshair!"

Tech ran up to Crosshair and hugged him. He didn't care that he was only in underpants, he only wanted to hug his brother.

"Alright, alright, don't hug me to death," Crosshair said.

"Sorry," Tech said, letting Crosshair go.

"Come on, let's get you some clothes," Hunter said, holding Tech's hand.


A few weeks later, and the Bad Batch had settled in to Hyrule.

Crosshair took an interest in making clothes. He worked as the Royal Clothing Maker. He even started up a business called 'Sew Fun Clothes'.

Echo loved exploring with Tech, and they found lots of interesting stuff. Echo learned a lot too.

Hunter became an English Teacher, who everyone loved.

Omega went to high school and...well...learned.

Wrecker became a Music Teacher, who everyone adored too.

Tech married Phee and they are currently expecting their first child.

Phee is pregnant with her and Tech's first child and she works as a Treasure Collector.

Emerie works as a doctor at the Bee Bee Children's Hospital.

Zelda married Link and became Queen.

Link married Zelda and became King, and is still Zelda's Personal Knight (or her PK, as he says).

Purah eventually grew up into a woman and continued her career as a Sheikah Scientist.

They all lived happily ever after!!!!!

Yay! A happy ending! Part 2's will be coming soon for their respective part 1's.

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