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A dozen miles away from Shanghai,China

"Unidentified submarine!All men get to the battle station!"

The transmission from Shandong aircraft carrier to all warship around the region,as they detected a large noise underwater via sonar,close to their coastline,without Chinese identification.The sonar signature is just around a normal submarine when moving around,it was fearful that the ship came to close without being detected.

"Admiral,the submarine is 2 miles away from our position!At 2 o'clock!"

"That close?What are the patrol team and escort doing?They get past our defense!Connect the radio with their ship,now!Let just hope that they are not enemy"

Suddenly,the water surface from the position of the submarine started to shake violently

"Wait,they ship are surfacing,point all light sources into it...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?

Under the moonlight,a huge column of water being lift of,then they fall back to the sea,reveal a giant submarine,pointing at 30 degree toward the sky and the Shandong's position,then the nose of it collapse to the gravity,bringing all of it titan structure to the surface of the ocean:the weird structure near the center of the ship,two thing that have a submarine-size dock both side of the main hull,and the flat deck.All was reveal by the concentrated light from the carrier.Needless to said,the thing that the Shandong's crew see is no ordinary submarine,even from afar,they can tell that the sub was far bigger than their carrier.The sonar signature lied to them.

"Is that really a submarine?!That was too big!"

"No panic!I said no panic!Just connect the radio wave first,we are not sure if this is an enemy ship!That attitude will get all of us fired!"-the Admiral said through the radio,however,his voice clearly showed that he was in shambles.

"Admiral!Don't you know what happened to Lhasa?The ship was sank in a few minutes,I don't care about this job,I just want to get home!I have a family!"

"I understand,but our country need you,to defend our people,your wife,your child and your parents,so just calm down"-The admiral finally regain his calmness

"We get connected to them!Admiral,come here!"

"'est...*chattering from the otherside of the radio*"

"I know this language,it's French sir"-one young sailor stood up-"I've learned a bit,if I could help..."

"Good,come here"

Given the radio mic,the sailor began to trying to communicate to the submarine:


<<Oh,we're talking in the same language now,this is captain Torres from the Erusian Submersible Aircraft Cruiser Alicorn,we request supply for our ship,the Erusian government shall pay up later>>

<<This is the PLAN Shandong,you are entering Chinese water.Ehh...Erusian?Not Osean Federation?>>

<<They are our enemy,is your country an ally of Osea?>>

The Shandong's crew was surprised,an enemy of Osean Federation was detected by them,along with this massive submarine,if they can sink it,the Osea would do in favor of China.Knowing this,the admiral pulled the captain of Shandong into a quiet room.

"We need to sink that ship"

"We don't know yet the capability of that submarine,beside we haven't have the result from our diplomatic corps in Osea"

"Our joint fleet can help to sink it,and this is Osea's enemy!In case of diplomatic failure,the sinking of....they said Alicorn right?-At least that will declare that Osea's enemy is our enemy as well"

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