Before the Journey

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A/N:one Su-57 gone,20 to go

A week has passed after Aigaion was sunk by Erusian terrorists.

One day subsequent to the destruction of the heavy command cruiser, thanks to many diplomatic efforts by the Republic of Belka's government, the New Osean Federation has agreed to send a few ships, including their state-of-the-art aircraft carrier: the OFS Whitehawk to fill in the role of Aigaion.

In the span of less than a week,aside from those aircrafts that went beyond repair,most of Aigaion wings fleet that were still dry were towed off the cruiser to be reassigned to Whitehawk,including both Hawkeye and Lavendel squadrons.

This time, there will be no more crazy captains and foreign troops,all sailors are either Belkan or Osean.But to prevent any incident similar to that on Aigaion, every single individual must be checked before they could come onboard,therefore extending the time for preparation.

On Whitehawk,three different nation flags were hung on its poles:The seven stars flag of the Osean Federation,the six stars flag of the New Federation and the five striped flag of the Republic of Belka.For the only time,these three factions of the civil war would cooperate.Along with Whitehawk,two more aircraft carriers,one landing helicopter assault,one battleship,four cruisers,five submarines and fifteen destroyers will set their course to Mediterranean and North Sea.

It's almost time for the Hawkeye squadron to go to Europe.

"The trip will last for twenty days"-Long Caster said earlier after he came out of the briefing meeting-"We will go close to South Pole,then turn North across the Atlantic,before arriving at a place called Mediterranean Sea.A straight trip, no rest.There is a channel between North and South America continent but no carrier is able to fit into it,so we have to choose the long way."

There is still a few hours left before they finally venture away from the Osea continent. Trigger decided to use that time to find his parents,who as he has heard from a few people are now having asylum in Sudentor.


In spite of being spared from constant air raid and crossfire that rampaged all across the continent,the living standard here is still less than average pre-war Osean uptown.High density population and no aid had severely hit Belka to its knee.Yet,comparing to any city in eastern part of Osea continent, Sudentor is still better than the rest.

The streets look quite depressing,with white tents placed down everywhere that has free space.All abandoned apartments and houses were repurposed as refugees homes,yet it wasn't enough to cope with the higher and higher demand coming from the increase of people seeking asylum in this city.

Trigger went alone,crime rate soaring made he decided not to invite Mobius or anyone to go along with him,and he can't see them anywhere either.Following the map that a Belkan officer lent him earlier,the pilot made his way to a kindergarten down the road.There are almost no children here,just a dozen,all other were non-combatant adults,and they were all Oseans who came here from Oured,there is a high hope that Trigger would find his parents here.

"May I come in?"-he knocks on the door, hoping for a reply.


A female voice came from the opposite side, but for some reason it sounded familiar:


"Ameri? Leonard? Albert?"


As the door opened,half of Trigger's squadron including the captain and the commander suddenly appeared.Behind them were Osean and Belkan infantrymen,and a few Yuktobanian mercenaries and American volunteers:

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