White Wings Angel

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<<Dianzi 1,I've seen a bogey approaching Seoul,15 kilometers away from the city,40 kilometers from our current location,flying very fast,should we intercept?>>


Sixteen J-35s,all with the black painted stripes on their wings,the insignia that distinguish the militarism rebels from the PLA,flying in a straight line formation,sweeping their wings into the sky above the Republic of Korea as they taken off from Fujian,just 10 minutes ago.Without any AWACS following their journey,it's hard to know whether someone are chasing them,or something their missed on their way.Nevertheless,they do detected a certain white aircraft:

<<Observe it carefully,but do not engage,keep moving,our target is Seoul,not that aircraft,if we get detected way from here it would be hard returning to China.We have only one chance,remember that.>>

<<I got it>>

<<Good,we're ready for launch,I see at least 14 planes flying around the city right now>>-The squadron leader smirked-<<Count that aircraft in,and I would get three aces in day,a good exchange I have to say.Anyway,turn off your radio>>


<<Mach 3.5,we're at Mach 3.5....>>

Mobius and Trigger take their hands of the controller and collapsed onto the seats,breathing heavily.The trauma from speed is real,aching spreaded all over their body,from the free moving head,throughout the torso,down to the steel locked legs,and the internal organs.Painful,so painful that Trigger could tell that they cannot fly for at least two days to come,but even so:

<<It wasn't half bad at all>>

<<Maybe>>-Mobius chuckled-<<You're addicted to speed now,huh?>>

<<Yeah,you too>>

The pilot lean her head to the left side of the seat.Tired,if Mobius could sleep right now,she would be appreciate,right now she only wishes that Long Caster would order them to land in Seoul or somewhere nearby to take a rest before heading home,Vladivostok is almost a thousand kilometers away,after all,and nothing could make sure that they won't faint on the way home.But such scenario is one in a thousand.Therefore:

<<Prepare to return home,this time Mach 0.7 please>>

<<Affirmative.Mach 0.-@-04-1!~/>>


Suddenly,the screens surrounding their seats turned off and the frame began to shake violently.Losing her vision and stability,Mobius panickedly grabs her hand on the control lever and pulls,but it didn't respond to her command,in fact,the controller is immovable,even with all her strength combined:

<<James!Are you there!?!>>

<<I am!C'mon Fairchild,wake up!>>

<<E-M......_@-#&@(>>-The soft voice of the AI turned into a demonic scream-<<!#$*!#-I ca-t-#$%>>


Trigger furiously knock his fingers on every screens,hoping that the plane would regain its control.But his effort turns to be worthless,as the plane still shaking and started to drop altitude,as the two could feel from the sudden G minus:



Suddenly,the screen turned bright again,it seemed like Trigger has pressed the correct button.But instead of the outside view,the screen only display a weak white color,at least the plane has stopped to vibrate:

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