Battle of the High Sea(II)

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Mediterranean Sea, close to occupied Algeria

<<Captain Ivan Kuzmin,this is Russian Headquarter in Tunis,have you detected any movement of their force?>>

Over a contesting air space,just off coast Spain and Morocco,seven thousand feet above the waterline,a single Russian aircraft,AEW&C Beriev A-100 taken off from its base in Libya is patrolling the area.

For years,around many cities across the Mediterranean sea,Russian FBS network under the command of Major Alexey Nikolaevick Ratnikov has detected a concerning amount of NATO suspicious activities.Many of which were later discovered as nuclear missile movements,some were secret air force distributions.None of which posed any threat to Russian strength in the area.Except for one:

<<Nothing. All clear.>>

<<Thank god...>>

A few months after Alexey's team was deployed in Spain,they detected a convoy of American trucks carrying many anti-radiation containers.At first,they classified it as a regular nuclear missiles convoy,but as time went by,yet in all missile silos which the Russians have spies in it,not a single one reported about receiving those containers which they believed were nuclear missiles.Questions were raised about whether or not they are nuclear missiles or just regular nuclear fuel,if it's nuclear missiles,then there must be some silo sites that they were not able to discover.

However, until now,where those containers on that day went is still a mystery for the Russian spy network.

<<Relax,it's not like nuclear missiles will actually threat us or anything,our advance global air defense should do the job,right?By the way HQ,how are thing in High Sea?I heard that our Flying Fleet met their fleet out there?>>

<<Well,better be careful about anything nuclear.Oh,the Flying Fleet....well they lost one ship to exchange for one of theirs severely damaged...>>

<<Oh...I see...May God grants his mercy for those men who fallen.>>

After a brief mourn,the aircraft returned to its mission.That said,watching all night long,the A-100 failed to see anything important going.The crew don't really mind it,no mysterious movement meant nothing to harm their allies.


Little did they know, a few Russian agents are desperately trying to cross the EMP barrier to call for their HQ.


<<Conqueror 1 Hannibal reporting HQ,ammunition loaded>>

Hidden underneath a hill near Cartagena, Spain, a massive cannon throws off all the dirt and sand covering its existence away from its barrel.

<<Uranium 235 on critical,batteries charging...ready to fire>>

<<Conqueror 2 Napoleon is ready.>>

Standing over the Alps mountain range, France, another cannon, sister of the gun in Nova Carthage is in its final adjustment to fix its aim at the Russian fleet.

<<Conqueror 3 Belisarius and Conqueror 4 Narses are ready>>

<<Conqueror 5 Alexander,we need coordinate of the Russian warfleet...okay received.>>

All across the continent,a total of seven cannons out of nine,excluding those far too deep inside occupied territory were put up in action.Armed with highly enriched uranium as energy source,their barrels glow in blue light that follows the upward direction of the cannons,creating several beacons that could be seen all the way from Africa,and certainly,the A-100 crews do see them:

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